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"You loved me and I froze in time. Hungry for that flesh of mine, but I can't compete with the he-wolf who has brought me to my knees."

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"Why does Klaus want to talk to some stupid witch that defines all the principals of aging? I mean she should be as wrinkly as pug by now," I ask as Stefan and I sit at a bar filled with wasted people.

"Something to do with the fact that his hybrids aren't surviving," Stefan says, finishing his shot of tequila.

"Probably because you know who isn't dead. He's going to find out sooner or later you know," I say.

"Not my problem," Stefan says nonchalantly. I narrow my eyes at him, not convinced that he doesn't actually care.

"Well it should be, because that pug-faced cheat witch over there is going to figure it out," I say, glaring at Stefan. His lack of concern for Elena isn't surprising, but the fact that he doesn't acknowledge the situation is enough to concern me.

"Excuse me, but did someone say pug?" a young man asks in a British accent, sitting down beside me.

He sits awfully close, our shoulders touching as he glances between Stefan and I.

"I'm counting five empty seats in this bar. You better go take one, or I will rip your head off, and place it on the top shelf of the bar," I threaten, his presence putting me on edge.

"She doesn't mean it. She's too chicken to punch someone, never mind rip their head off," Stefan says sending me a cheeky smile.

I glare at Stefan before turning back to the young man. "You have five seconds," I warn.

"You see mate, I would but their blood is all intoxicated. I was hoping to find a fresh supply over here," the man says with a wink.

I furrow my brows at the man, putting the pieces together. I bare my fangs and snarl at him which only makes him smirk.

"I figured as much. I guess we'll just have to suffer together," he says taking a sip of my drink.

"Who are you?" I ask, squinting my eyes, examining his blue ones. 

"Just a young lad who would feel honoured to buy you a drink," he answers.

"Are you really hitting on my sister with her brother right beside her?" Stefan asks.

The man pauses for a minute. "Yeah. I think I am. Cheers!" he says as the bartender pours the three of us drinks.

"I'm flattered, but I'm going to have to pass," I say, watching his smirk disappear.

Stefan gets up to leave, motioning for me to do the same. I get up and quickly grab the shot of tequila he had ordered for us and chug it down. I turn and pat the gentleman on the shoulder as Stefan and I walk out of the bar leaving Klaus inside while he talks to the witch Gloria.

We stand outside the bar quietly, waiting for further instructions.

"I don't get you Stefan," I say while staring up at the stars.

He doesn't answer.

"For gods sake Steff, talk to me," I say, standing in front of him.

"I am," he says sarcastically.

"I mean really talk to me. Why do you care about a guy hitting on me, but not about Elena? You know Klaus is going to find her and kill her right? But for real this time," I snap.

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