ı 16 ı Kitty Kat

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"Every sailor knows that the sea is a friend made enemy"

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WHILE WHISTLING 'Life is a Highway' as high as I can manage in James's truck, I pull into a parking spot in the town Elena sent me directions to. I hop out of the truck gracefully while flipping on my sunglasses, ready to capture Kitty Kat and preparing for the best day ever.

The town is small and cute, perfect for hanging low while holding possession the thing so many people want, the thing that is perfect for leverage.

I'm about to head down the street in search of Elena and Rebekah when suddenly I'm forced backwards into the side of a building, a strong hand wrapped around my throat. "What are you doing here, Blair?" Katherine growls, her head tilted to the side deviously.

"Oh the usual. Solving cases and such. You?" I ask against her grasp.

"I'm about to put an end to my least favourite Salvatore," Katherine smirks when suddenly she's ripped off me by a familiar blond and another doppelgänger.

"Thank you," I sigh, taking in a breath while adjusting my leather jacket.

"Looks like you found Katherine," Rebekah smiles, holding on tight to Katherine's arm.

"You know, compelling a whole town to follow your command is just plain sad," Elena says casually, picking at her fingernails.

I let out a hysteric laugh, snorting even. "You compelled a whole town to like you? That's low Kitty, even for you. That's the worst stage of loneliness," I say.

Katherine growls and goes to lunge towards me, but Rebekah holds her back. "Let's go to a more civilized place, shall we?" Rebekah suggests.

Elena and I share amused glances before following Rebekah's lead to a near by café, sitting at a booth in the back where we can talk in private, away from all the compelled people.

"Let me guess, you all want the cure," Katherine says, rolling her eyes.

"Actually, Rebekah does, humanity-less Elena and I don't," I say matter-of-factly. "I'm only here because it's a perfect opportunity to see you helpless, not to mention in such a desperate state that you would go to lengths to compel a whole town. But then again, I guess you're used to running," I sneer.

"Which is exactly why I want the cure. I can use it to get my freedom from Niklaus," she explains.

"It's a shame we found you first. We won't be leaving without the cure, and unfortunately you won't be using the bloody thing as leverage," Rebekah says.

While they continue bickering and interrogating Katherine, my phone rings revealing a call from Stefan. I sigh and push it back in my pocket, but not five seconds after I decline it does Damon call me. I decline it too, which leads to a familiar voice in my head.

"Blair, love, please answer your phone," James asks in my mind.

"Why can't we just talk like this?" I ask, bored.

"Because it gives me a headache, literally," he says, and I can almost hear him laugh. To be honest talking too much telepathically gives me a headache too, but it's an easier way not to allow vampires to ease drop.

"Well, there's nothing to talk about. Neither you, Stefan, Damon nor Joel need to come looking for me, because I have things handled here. Rebekah's on our side, and I can assure you we will find this cure, and bring it back to Mystic Falls where it can be dealt with in a more civilized manor," I say in my mind.

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