ı 02 ı Guilty as Charged

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"Cause I've done some things that I can't speak, and I've tried to wash you away but you just won't leave."

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WE ALL LEFT the hospital at the same time, since James and I had no other vehicle to drive in. James had been interviewed by police, and after explaining everything it was deemed an accident, as it truly was in the first place. It was just a stupid accident caused by a deer in the middle of the night that we had the misfortune of hitting. Sure we had a lot on our minds and were rushing to return home and we knew that was probably part of the reason James didn't see the deer ahead of time, but even if he had seen the deer in time, it wouldn't have stopped the other car from swerving, nor would we have been able to stop fast enough.

The doctors had informed us that the baby needed to stay with them for another twenty-four hours just to make sure everything was okay, and that they would call us when he would could be released from the hospital. With no one to take care of the little guy, and no orphanage around in Mystic Falls, I volunteered to watch him until they could find him a new family- a family that hadn't crashed into his parent's car.

We had all spent the night together, drinking, not knowing if these were our last moments together. It was if we were all waiting for something to happen, savouring every single second. But nothing happened. James was fine, and so was Joel. It didn't make any sense.

The next morning the house was fairly quiet, as Damon and Stefan had gone to help Elena ease into the transition of a vampire. Bonnie was working on a cure to reverse it although we all knew it was pointless. There was no reversing vampirism, only destroying it.

As I walk down to the living room I breathe out in relief once I see James and Joel standing outside, watching something. I hardly slept last night as I feared for their lives. I didn't know when they were going to die, if they were going to die so I refused to close my eyes.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, stepping outside to join them.

"Waiting for the tow truck to bring my truck back," James replies.

I raise my brow. "I don't think there's anything left to bring back," I say gently.

"It's like his baby," Joel jokes. "He wants some closure, to see the body," he says, nudging my arm.

I force a smile, knowing Joel doesn't know a damn thing of what happened last night. All he knows is that we hit a deer, not that we had killed two people. I don't know why this crash is bothering me so much given I'm a vampire and have killed innocent people for their blood before. Maybe it's because this time it was unintentional and unavoidable and I truly felt helpless. I thought I had forced myself onto a new path, straying away from monstrous activity, but yet again I've found myself surrounded with death.

We turn to the sound of a truck coming in, the tow truck rounding the corner and dropping the truck- or what use to be a truck- in the front yard.

"Holy shit," Joel mutters, eyeing the damage on his brother's truck. He looks over at me and I only purse my lips as James slowly approaches the truck after tipping the tow truck driver.

"If it makes you feel any better, Blair's car blew up," Joel snickers.

"Shut up," I growl.

"So, what did you guys even do? I mean, cuz there's crashing and then there's smashing. This is clearly smashing," Joel says.

I clear my throat. "Joel," I warn.

He looks over at me in confusion before looking at James, who stares at the piece of smashed metal in front of him, staring ghostly at if as if he's replaying last night in his mind.

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