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"Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts. Risking it all thought it's hard. 

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IT HASN'T  been easy to sleep for various amounts of reasons, all of which involve the supernatural. Bonnie has gone missing, insisting that she needs to go under the radar and hide from Silas who needs her to complete the spell tomorrow night on the full moon. Silas still has the cure, and then there's Elena who is still struggling with herself. My brothers have kept her in the basement, torturing her saying that it's the only way to get her to feel something.

I just wish that for once one of our problems would be normal, and have nothing to do with the supernatural.

Apparently my wish isn't too much to ask just as Theo starts crying from his room down the hallway. It's a painful sound but it also offers this household a sort of sanity, giving it a normal problem within all the supernatural ones. Although, I know my wish of having a semi-normal life isn't exactly possible when my very existence relies on human blood to keep me functional enough to bare fangs and be super strong and not age. Not to mention my blood has healing properties and I can mind control humans. Oh well, a girl can dream. 

I stir in my sleep and open my eyes, moving to get up when suddenly I realize I'm in James's room, his arm still wrapped securely around me from the night before. I've sort of found myself sleeping next to James more and more often, frankly because I love it and partly because during the chaotic world we live in, knowing that each day will end in his arms is all I need to get me through the day. He's my safe haven, and he's my home.

"I'll get him," James grumbles groggily, although he doesn't move at all from his position beside me.

"No, I'll get him," I say, not moving from my position either. 

I slowly move to get up, inching my way towards the edge of the bed when suddenly James's hold on me tightens, his chin nuzzling in between my neck and my shoulder sending a warm and electrifying feeling throughout my body. All my intentions of moving to comfort Theo have vanished as all I want to do is stay in bed with James.

"You know, sometimes I just want to move and get a new house where we can cook pancakes all day everyday, and where I don't even have to get dressed. I could just walk around all day in my bra and panties." I whisper, envisioning the dream in my mind. One day I want to get there, to a place of tranquility.

"I could live with that," James smiles, kissing my neck gently.

"I bet you could, Branson," I tease, just as Joel suddenly marches down the hallway.

"Oh don't worry, I'll get him," Joel suddenly growls, storming past James's bedroom to get Theo.

I choke down a laugh before closing my eyes and attempting to go back to sleep beside James when suddenly my vamp hearing over hears a conversation between my brothers downstairs.

"Stefan, if you tell Blair about this she won't let us follow through with our plan for Elena. All hell will break loose," I hear Damon plead.

The mention of my name suddenly peaks my attention, and I know James can hear them too based on his body language. He's taken his arm off my torso and instead lays on his back, listening.

"Damon, if we don't tell her she'll be pissed. Honesty is the least we owe her after everything she's done for us," Stefan argues calmly.

Before either of my brothers can say anything more, I spring out of bed and run downstairs still in my PJ's, inturrpting my brother's conversation.

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