ı 18 ı Silas

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"They take their shots, but we're bullet proof. You know for me, it's always you."

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THERE'S USUALLY only so much pain someone can take until they pass out, but unfortunately the pain tolerance for vampires is quite high, leaving me laying helplessly in the middle of the dark forest with a giant stake in my chest, just below my heart.

I can no longer hear Damon's yelling as he searches for Joel, but I'm not sure if that's because of the amount of pain I'm in, or because Silas has gotten him too. I understand now why Kol was so scared of the thought of raising Silas, why Klaus the mighty Mikaelson out of all people winced every time Silas's name was brought up.

Someone who can read people's minds, and disguise themselves of anyone they please is nothing to fantasize over- it's to fear. I'm not certain about a whole lot of things at the moment, but one thing I do know for sure is that I'm scared as hell. I don't know who to trust if Silas can appear to be anybody. The only person I know for sure I can trust is James, seeing as we can communicate telepathically.

"James?" I call out in my mind. I try and shift upwards to get a better grip on the stake in my chest, but it's no use. With every inch I more, the more splinters that dig deeper into my skin, crawling their way closer to my heart. With every poke the slivers make into my heart, a giant shooting pain filled with a burning sensation shoots through my body, so bad that I start to feel dizzy.

"Blair, where are you? I can't find Joel anywhere," he replies back.

"It's S- ah- Silas. He -ow- tricked me into thinking he was Joel," I manage to say, struggling to concentrate in my mind while pulling out the stake. Although I fear the more I try, the worse it'll get.

"Where are you? I'm coming," James says.

"No, James you-ow- don't understand. Silas, he could trick you," I plead, not wanting him to get hurt.

"Blair, relax okay? I'm going to come find you. We'll think of a secrete word, one only we would know." James says calmly.

"It doesn't make a difference. He can read our minds," I say. 

"We'll figure something out. Now where are you?"

"Somewhere in the forest, just outside the dance," I say. I know I don't have to say more as I hear footsteps in the distance, a man like figure walking towards me. I fear for a split second that it's Silas, and the closer the figure gets the more fearful I become as I realize it's Joel.

"Stay away from me!" I yell, screaming at Joel.

He immediately holds his hands up in surrender, slowly approaching my limp figure as I lean against a tree for support. "Blair? Oh my god, are you okay? What happened!" he exclaims, bending down beside me, but I forcefully push him away.

"Don't play these games with me, Silas! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I bellow, baring my fangs. I'm too weak to do anything else.

"What are you talking about?" Joel questions, but before he can say anything more, James appears and harshly pins Joel up against a tree, holding him by his throat with every ounce of strength he's got.

"Back the hell off," James growls deeply, in a tone I haven't heard him use before. It's deep and threatening, and actually quite scary. I think I've only heard him use that tone on Klaus.

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