ı 12 ı Coincidence

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"I though we got each other's hearts so I pushed you way through, hurting myself to live with it."

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The thought of Blair roaming the streets all while afraid, lonely, and lost of herself is something I cannot stop thinking about. Caroline had told us what happened- about how she saved her life. I can't help but think this is evidence that the Blair we use to know is still there. Perhaps she never even left.

Damon left a while ago to talk to Stefan leaving me alone with Joel and Rebekah who had invited herself into the Salvatore home.

As of right now, it's just Joel and I sitting across from each other in the living room while Rebekah silently cries in the adjacent room. The argument Elena instigated about how Klaus has done nothing but destroy her life the other day had taken a toll on the old vampire, but I now know she is on our side.

Bored and anxious for Damon to return, I turn to my brother to find he's staring at the blazing fireplace, a brooding expression on his face that hasn't changed the moment we came back after finding him unconscious on the floor from the attack Fredrick had commenced on him.

"What's the matter with you? Embarrassed a dead vampire managed to blind side you? He was a ghost after all," I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"No," Joel says nonchalantly with a shake of his head.

I furrow my brows. "Then what is it?" I ask.

"Blair- she mentioned how suspicious it was that Lexi only appeared on the day ghosts were roaming around Mystic Falls. I can't keep thinking that it wasn't a strange coincidence," he admits, an glooming expression plastered on his face.

As soon as the words leave his mouth, my blood runs cold and the whole atmosphere around us changes. I knew this would come up again. I just hoped I could push it off for as long as possible. It's only now do I realize how selfish that was, considering he never got to say goodbye.

"Joel," I begin, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

By now his full attention is on me, and suddenly I can't find the words to explain to him that our sister is dead. More importantly, that it was Damon that killed her.

"Is she dead?" he croaks. His eyes are glistering with tears, making his blue eyes appear more like glass.

"Yes," I say succinctly.

He only nods, his jaw tight as he struggles to hold back tears. "How?"

"Joel, that's not i-"

"How did she die James? I deserve to know. For Christ's sake, I deserve to know more than that. I didn't even get a bloody chance to say goodbye, because I thought I was going to see her again tomorrow," he says, his tone growing angrier. I can tell he's letting all his anger out now; he's going to explode.

"All those tedious years of watching over you silently, obeying Klaus out of fear for your life! He threatened your life too James, not just mine! Your goddamn life James, and you couldn't find the balls to tell me that my own sister, our sister was dead?" he exclaims. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to have to constantly look over your shoulder?" he asks.

"Yes," I think, but I know now is not the time for an argument. Joel's hurting, and all I can do is listen.

"I escaped Klaus's grasp by myself when you didn't even know I existed. Even then, I saved your life. The least you owe me is an explanation," he yells, pointing an accusing finger at my face.

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