ı 21 ı Ghosts

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"You know where my heart is, the same place yours has been."

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You would think that the ridiculously strong wind blowing through Mystic Falls would be the only normal thing occurring right now between the chaos of lifting the vail and tracking down Silas, but it's not. This wind is in result to Bonnie's powerful magic which she's using to link all of the three sacrifice hot spots to draw power in order to complete the spell.

"Are you sure leaving Blair at home was a good idea? What's to stop her from chasing after us?" I ask James who walks along side me. We've been walking through the school for a good hour looking for Bonnie, while Damon and Joel have gone another way.

"She can't even if she tried, trust me," James answers dully, checking his watch to make sure we still have enough time until the moon rises to it's highest peak.

"Why?" I question.

"Because I called in a favour with Elijah, and he no doubt brought along Klaus. They're at the house right now," James explains, making me raise my brows.

"You called in a babysitter?" I tease, smiling to myself. I can't imagine how pissed off Blair is at the moment being cooped up in a house with a toddler, James's best friend, and her long entitled enemy. "Do you know how mad she's going to be? You haven't even seen her go full mad Branson. You might want to break things off and run for the hills before you suffer her wrath," I joke, knowing my sister all too well. She might be my twin, but she's more alike to Damon than I know she's willing to admit. They aren't the best at controlling their anger. 

James forces an anxious laugh. "Yeah, I know. I would rather her safe at home with Theo than running around a pitch black school with Silas though, wouldn't you?" he points out.

"You're right," I agree, thinking about what he said. The more I think about it and the more I realize just how much James really does care for my sister, the more do I appreciate him as my friend.

"You're good for her, you know. I know it took a while for her to realize that, but you're good for her. Thank you for being there for her when we weren't," I say sincerely, walking with my head down. 

I've known James for 145 years, and over the course of that time I have gotten to know him as a person. In some ways he's totally opposite to Blair through his personality and attitude, but in some ways they're alike. They're two very important people in my life, and all I want is for them to be happy.

James turns to me and smiles, placing a firm grasp on my shoulder as we walk. "She's good for me too," he says.

With that we both keep walking, letting the silence fill in as we both think to ourselves. There's so many things racing through our minds it's hard to keep an optimistic mood about everything. So many things can happen and so many things could go wrong. Silas could be anywhere, Bonnie could drop the vail completely, and most importantly, someone could get hurt. The chances of something bad happening is extremely high, too high for my liking.

We complete our circle around the school, concluding that Bonnie is not here, but to our luck someone else is. James and I share nervous glances at the sound of someone whizzing around behind us, the sound of footsteps surrounding us.

Lights begin to flicker, turning our attention behind us only to hear footsteps in front of us. We both spin on our heels so fast I feel like a ballerina, but I'm prepared to attack only to come face to face with a familiar blonde- a blonde I didn't think I would ever see again.

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