ı 07 ı The Knot

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"Where were you when everything was falling apart? All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang. All I needed was a call that never came.

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"I will ask you one last time, what are you two hiding?" Klaus growls at Stefan and I for the tenth time.

Before Stefan and I had a chance to wake up this morning, Klaus grabbed us with the first chance he got, dragging us back to the industrial warehouse filled with empty coffins. We knew Klaus had figured out the truth about Elena, but we were too scared to admit it. 

"Nothing okay! Why don't you believe us?" I yell, tired of this going no where.

Stefan and I sweat with nerves as we struggle to keep our heart rates normal, and our breathing steady to avoid any suspicioun from Klaus that we're lying, but I can tell we are failing.

"Now Blair, do you really think I'm that I'm that foolish?" Klaus asks.

"They're not on our side Nik. I can sense it," Rebekah says.

"Gloria is dead and the necklace is still missing. Shall I put the pieces together myself?" Klaus asks.

I roll my eyes and look up, a shadow from the back of the warehouse catching my attention.

None other than Joel Branson peaks around the corner, glancing at me slightly before disappearing into the shadows.

I'm hopeful that maybe Joel can get us out of this, but at the same time I know he's not that naïve to get himself back into Klaus's collection of pets. Although that doesn't explain why he's here.

"I didn't think you were good at puzzles Klaus. I guess I was wrong," I say casually.

Apparently I've reached Klaus's limit of how much of my attitude he can handle, as he steps forwards and snaps my neck, my mind going blank.

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I gasp awake, my eyes staring into a familiar Branson's I didn't expect to see any time soon.

"Joel?" I croak, sitting up and rubbing my neck.

He knees down beside be as I lay on the back of an open transport truck, parked in the street during the dead of night.

"'Bout time you woke love. I was starting to think I'd have to save your brother's ass myself," Joel says, helping me up.

"What? Where are we? What's wrong with my brother?" I ask all at once.

"Well, I followed you guys here," Joel says. "Welcome home Blair."

He moves to the side, revealing the scene around us, the tall historic Mystic Falls clock tower coming into view.

"No, no, no," I gape. "Where's Stefan? We need to get out of here," I say.

"Stefan, Rebekah and Klaus left half an hour ago to look for Elena. They mentioned something about the high school," Joel says.

"Oh my god," I whisper. "What do we do?"

"Call your brother and James," Joel suggests, although it sounds more like an order.

"No. I can't. I haven't had a real conversation with them in over a month," I say, shaking my head.

Joel places his hands on my shoulders. "Blair, it's one phone call. They deserve to hear your voice," Joel encourages.

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