Chapter 20: Welcome Home James <3

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(Laurens pov)

"Welcome to your new home, james." Niall says as he walks into the lounge with james in one hand and my bag in the other. He sits james car seat down on the floor and kneels down to him "now I know It was probably more comfy and warm in mummys tummy and very very safe." Hes lifts james up into his arms. "But im going to protect you from anything or anyone." He looks at me "We both will."

I walk over to them. "Of course we will daddy. we will never let anything hurt our little baby." I kiss james on the cheek and give niall a peek on the lips.

*3 hours later*

"Wheres james." Niall comes from in the kitchen after he puts the phone down to who ever he was talking to.

"Hes sleeping in his cot." I point to the baby monitor that niall bought that gots very good sounding and two cameras, one on our bedroom door and one on james so we can see him and who ever walks into the room.

"Aww he sleeps so peacefully." Niall sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.

"I know just like his daddy."

"haha! why didn't you put him in his mossies basket down here?"

"Because I thought ill let him sleep in his cot for now so he can get used to it for tonight." I smile to him.

"Oh okay. guess who ive just got off the phone to?"

"Who?" I asked keeping my eyes on the telly.

"Your dad."

"Really." I turn to look at him in shock. Ive never heard niall say that hes been talking to my dad. They do get on and my dad really likes him but they just don't really have a lot of phone calls. "Never knew you had secret phone calls with my dad." I laugh.

"Haha! He rang up asking if I wanted to go golf with him tomorrow. Is that alright with you?"

I turn my whole body towards him with my knees leaning against his chest and his arm around me just like were cuddling. "Aww that's really nice of him to ask you! Of course im okay with it, why wouldn't I?"

"Because its the first day home with james."

"Oh don't worry about it babe. I think ellie might pop over to meet him anyway." I smile.

"Okay ill text your dad." He pulls his phone out his pocket and starts typing.

"You know ive always daydreamed you and my dad going golfing together."

"Really?" He looks up from texting.

"Yeah like when we went golfing together I used to always daydreaming what itll be like if niall was here. I thought it was perfect! my dad was obsessed with golf, I went with him, I love niall horan and niall plays golf." I smile at him imagining the old days before I met him. Wow id never thought id be with him back then!

"Hahaha! Maybe one day you should come with us and play."

"Ha I cant play" I turn my head back towards the telly with my body still facing niall.

"okay caddie then!" He pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Oh im good at that." I look up to him.

"Good! I got a lot of things on mind your good at." He winks.

"Oh niall!" I tap his chest with the back of my hand. "Weve got a one day old baby up there."

"Yeah maybe he wants to be a big brother." He kisses me.

"Niall!" I pull away " Maybe in a couple of years but not now!"

"What your saying were actually gonna have another baby?" He says shocked

"Well I always wanted more then one child, why don't you want another one?" I feel like he only wants the one.

"No we can have thousands if you want." He kisses me and pushes me back so hes lying on top of me.

"Haha okay" I say inbetween our kisses.

"You know I love you so so soo much lauren." he pulls away from the kiss.

"Yeah I know." I smile and stroke his cheek "I love you too."

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and don't think its james whos keeping us together, I love you and want to marry you one day and have as many kids as we can." He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand and it makes shivers go down the back of my spine.

"I know. but niall I want you to know that if your not happy I want you to tell me, don't think that you've got to stay with me because of james and don't feel like its james thats keeping us together, which im happy that he is but I want your love aswell, I don't want to know that you don't love me and not happy your just staying here to be with james because I will never keep him away from you, I had that through my childhood. you would be able to see james as much as you want, everyday if you want so..."

"Lauren stop!" Niall cuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth. "Don't ever say that! Ive never been this happy since me and the boys have won the x-factor and yes james is keeping us together now but our love is aswell. I cant love you more then I do now, and never ever talk about us splitting up because I swear on all of our lifes that will never happen!" He makes a tear run down my cheek by his words! "I love you so much and one day were going to get married and make more babies and were gonna have a massive house filled with them and we are going to be the happiest family there is on this planet, okay?"

"Okay" I whisper.

"I love you lauren."

"I don't think anybodies said the most sweetest paragrapgh then that niall. I Love you so much!" I sob and peek him on the lips.

"Well im good with my words." He laughs

"Haha" I kiss him again

*One hour later*

"Right ive spoke to Ellie and shes gonna come tomorrow." I walk into the kitchen where niall is sat at the table feeding james. "And you little cutey" I say in a baby voice, stroking james cheek.

"Good at least I know you wont be alone."

"What you don't trust me alone with him." I say in a serious tone but joking.

"No I do trust you but I don't want you to be alone on the first day james is home."

"Well I wasn't cus today was the first day james home and your here." I Laugh.

"Very true. mummy can be clever sometimes cant she." niall puts the bottle down and sits patting james back as he bes sick a little dwon his bib.

"Aww lovely I think that was specialy for you daddy." I laugh.

"Haha. well I think theres something in his nappy waiting for you mummy."

"Haha come on then baby." I take james from niall and take him into the lounge where the changing mat and changing things were left when niall changed him only an hour ago!


I feel like this chapter is quite boring and I have wrote two long paragraphs which im sorry :/ Please let me know what you think <3

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