Chapter 17: Keep Pushing... <3

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(Lauren's pov)


"Keep pushing lauren, i see the head." The doctor keeps saying in between my pushes.


"i know, i know just keep pushing and itll be over!" The nurse rubs my leg.

I squeeze nialls hand as tight as i can "OH MY GOD!!!!" i scream!

"Come baby, you can do it!" Niall drabs my sweety head with a flannel and kisses it. I know im hurting his hand but hes not taking any notice.

"I cant! I cant do it!" I sob as i fall back on the bed "i cant push anymore, i cant" i cry.

"Come on Loz i know you can do it." Niall rubs up and down my arm with the hand im not holding.

"Yes, you can do it lauren! Just keep pushing the heads nearly out" the doctor says as i start pushing again!

Its the most painful thing i have ever had to go through!! I keep pushing and pushing just thinking, i keep pushing and pushing with no stop the faster the pain will stop.

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!" I fall back, tears running down my face, down my neck. I rub my forehead feeling all the sweat like someone just poured a bottle of water over me.

"Wheee wheeee" i hear the crying! The crying of my baby.

The nurse pulls our baby onto my belly where the blanket lay.

"Here's your beautiful baby." The nurse says as she helps me rap him quickly so he doesn't get cold.

"Do you want to cut the cord daddy?" The doctor holds out a pair of scissors towards niall.

I see a great big smile on nialls face " im honored to" he takes the scissors and cuts the cord.

He smiles at me as he walks back round to my side.

"Ahh who's that." I lift the babies head slightly so it was directly looking at niall. "Is that daddy. Say hi daddy" i pick up our babies tiny hand and do a little waves to niall.

"Haha hello beautiful." He strokes the babies face with his finger.

"Here ya go. Have a cuddle with daddy" i hand niall our gorgeous baby very gently.

(Nialls pov)

"Aahhh i cant believe it!" I look down at our baby! I really cant believe we finally have our baby, our beautiful beautiful baby! I couldnt be happier right now! I had a beautiful wonderful girlfriend who i love with all my heart and now i have a beautiful baby with my amazing girlfriend!

I couldnt have a more perfect life! I had the four most best mates who im in the worlds biggest boy band in with the most amazing fans and now i have two more people who mean the world to me, i couldnt ask for any better!

I sit on the edge of the bed next to lauren!

"I couldnt ask for a more beautiful baby to have with the most beautiful girl." I give lauren a peek on the lips.

"Awww i love you nialler!" Lauren says as she links one arm around mine and strokes our babies head.

"I love you too loz" i kiss her head and we both look down at the worlds perfect baby!


Just a quick one to tell you how it went when she was having the baby! I hope it was too cheesey at the beginning!

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