Chapter 6: Telling crazy Ellie <3

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Getting close to  Lauren getting pregnant, cant wait to write that bit <3


"Come on we best go and get dressed." I say as I pull away from Niall's warm, soft chest.

"Yeah I need to get home to tell the lads about us."

"Uurr Niall only the boys. I don't want it to go public just yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I love you and I do really want to be with you and so happy but we have just been going out for what like 10 minutes, I don't want it to go public just yet, I just want to know that this is it and your certain."

"Lauren, I am 100 per cent certain I want to be with you. But I do agree we should keep quiet for a bit." Niall pulls me close to his chest again. "but can I still tell the boys."

"Okay ill let you tell the boys beings i'm dying to tell Ellie."

"Okay deal, I can tell the boys and you can tell Ellie but that's all for a couple of days or weeks."

"Deal." We give a little peck on the lips for a deal. Then make our way up stairs.

****************************** HOUR LATER *****************************************

"HAHAHAAA NIALL STOP." I come running down the stairs as Niall tickles me, as from last night he now knows my soft spot to tickle me. "NIALL STOP HHAAHHAAAA NIALL!" we get into the lounge just as he tickles me and I turn and fall into his arms and kiss him on his lips.

"OMG LAUREN!" I push away from nialls lips from a fright of a really loud voice screeching as I turn and see Ellie drop her bags from both hands! OMG I really didn't want her to find out this way, I mean she was going to find out someway but just not this way, while niall is still here.

"Hi Ellie, I thought you were coming back tonight?" I let go out Nialls waist.

"Well I thought Ill come back earlier to surprise my best friend but it looks like she has a surprise for me, well ill defiantly say a great and better surprise then mine."

"haha Ellie ive missed you so much. im so happy your back." I run to her and throw my arms around her neck for a tight hug."

"Lauren what are you doing! no time for hugging." She pushes me away. "I think you should tell me this thing that I have just saw."

"Oh yeah that." I turn to look at Niall.

"Oh do you want me to go so you girlies can talk?" Niall turns for the door but I grab his arm and pull him to us. "No Niall you can stay and we can tell Ellie together."

"Okay." He puts his arm around my waist.

"Well you know when I called you the other night and said that I was out for a drink with one direction..."


"well I gave them all my number and yesterday morning niall texted me and asked me for dinner and ovs I said yes then when he dropped me off he walked me to the door, I invited him in, we had some drinks and then we think we kinda got drunk and kinda...."

"Omg you had sex!"



"Okay Ellie chill out."

"I cant chill out. I can see you clearly should be a couple."

"Well thats another thing Ellie, this morning me and Lauren was talking and I said that I really like her and asked her out." I smiled at niall as I pictured in my head back to this morning and then looked at Ellie with her face that showed that she could not believe that Niall Horan was talking to her.

"Omg Niall you are a life safer!" Ellie flung her arms around niall and hugged him.

"What do you mean im a life safer?" Niall was as confused as I was as Ellie stepped back.

"From the first time Lauren saw you walking on the x-factor stage and from the moment you said hi im niall horan I knew she fell in love with you and has not stopped for a second. Niall I know more then anything that you are the man of laurens dreams and now you have made my best friends dreams come true. So your a life safer." Me and niall smiled at each other.

"Awww Ellie, I love you babe." I stepped forward and hugged Ellie.

"Well ill leave you two love birds and head to the boys."

"haha very funny." I move from ellie and walk over to niall who was stepping backwards to the door.

"I'll ring you later okay beautiful?" He puts his arms around my waist as I put my arms around his neck.

"Okay handsome, ring me later."

"Okay love you."

"love you too." We kiss forgetting that Ellie was watching us.


Im not sure if this chapter is good :/

Please comment and let me know <3

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