Chapter 13: Back stage at the Concert <3

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been quite busy with school :( Hopefully ill get a couple of chapters done this weekend beings i've got nothing on :D

Please Comment <3


(Niall's Pov)

"Hey guys!" I shout out when me and Lauren get in mine and the lads dressing room.

"Hey... hi... wut up... hello..." We get from each of the boys.

"Traffic bad?" Liam makes his way towards us.

"Yeah it was terrible."

"We were worried that Niall was gonna be late for your concert." Lauren hugs Liam and the rest of the boys and then walks over to Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie.

"So Harry, hows Ellie?" I turn from watching Lauren walk to Harry sitting on the sofa on his phone.


"How's Ellie, heard you two went on a date?"

"Who told you." He lifts his head up quickly.

"Lauren told me obviously!"

"Well who told her?"

"Harry obviously Ellie told her, their best mates."

"Well I wouldn't really call it a date"

"Reallyyy..." I lift my eyebrow knowing that it was.


"Harry and Ellie sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g." Louis cuts harry off singing his song.

"Shut up Louis." Harry stands up putting his fist in Louis's stomach playey.

"So are you gonna ask out again?" Zayn stops harry and Louis's little play fight.

"Well I don't know. I don't think she likes me."

"Awww I bet she does, your harry styles! Every body loves you!!" Liam places his hand on harrys shoulder.

"Hey Lauren, how does ellie feel about Harry?" I shout to Lauren from across the room.


"Ummm she loves him!!"

"Really.." Harry goes from giving me a evil look to a surprized look at Lauren.

"Yeah of course she does, Your harry styles!"

"Aw told ya hazza!" Liam gave harry a little hug from the side."

"Yeah shes always liked you!" Lauren comes over to us and puts her arm around my waist as I put my arm round her waist aswell.

"Really, I didn't think she liked me from what happened on our date!"

"Yeah she loves you so mu... wait.. what happened on your date?"

"She was quite quiet, and didn't look happy at times"

"Oh that's Ellie! She has been on and on about going out on a date with you since the day you auditioned for the x-factor. She probably had moments just gorming out and thinking that she cant believe she's out with harry styles! I am 100 per cent she loves you harry!!

"You sure?"

"Im positive!"

"Okayy i'll ask her out for another date" He gives me his massive cheeky smile.

"Right guys, Ready to start our 2013 Tour then?" Liam says clapping his hands together.

"Yeah lets do it!" Me, Harry, Zayn and Louis answer him.

We make ourselves into a group cycle with our arms around each other like we do for every show.

"Lets do this poo!!!" We all say in our hug.

"Right come on babe." I take Lauren by the waist and we all make our way to the corridor. "Paul will take you four to your seats to make sure no fans harass you."

"Okay babe. Ill see you out there." Lauren puts her arms around my neck and gives me a passionate kiss.

"Okayy Lauren save it for bed." Eleanor pulls Lauren away from me and they follow Perrie, Danielle and Paul to their front row seats. I place a little smile on my face watching Lauren walking with the girls. She is as much hot from the back then she is from the front, pregnant or not!


I've wrote a chapter for back stage and done the concert for another chapter so the chapter isn't too long for you guys :D

Please Comment <3

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