Chapter 27: Niall Comes Home <3

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This will only be a short chapter :)

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Its been 3 months now! Niall was right, the time has gone by fast! Ive kept myself busy. ive been shopping I don't know how many times, met up with ellie, perrie, Eleanor and Danielle, went to my mums for a couple of days then went to my dads for a couple of days. I think ive done pretty well, ive had a few crying moments as you do but other then that the time has gone by really quickly.

"Right daddys coming home tomorrow james." I lie james on his play mat I got for him a couple of days ago and he starts grabbing the hanging toys. Hes 5, nearly 6 months now and has grown soo much since nialls been away. but we have been skyping so niall can at least see him grow :)

"I think we should tidy up abit huh james." I say as I walk into the kitchen and start cleaning up the dishes from last night and this morning. After I finish that I put them away when I turn around and cant see my eyes! James is sitting up right on his own stroking bella at the kitchen door.

"OH MY GOD JAMES." He looks up quickly as I run to him and snatch him up "you crawled! and sat up on your own! oh mummys so proud of your." he giggles as I kiss his forehead and a tear runs down my cheek on to james top. "I wish daddy was here." I whisper. that was the one thing I was scared of, hes grown so big and niall missed I didn't want him to miss this! but it makes me feels kinda of better thinking that I didn't really see it.

I jump from my hug with james by a knock on the door. I put james back on his play mat "Now you stay there little monkey" he giggles.

I open the door as bella runs out jumping up, without looking who it is I try and grab her "im sorry she loves people."

"Its okay, Is there a miss lauren here?" I freeze by the accent! I look at the shoes, I can tell them shoes anywhere.

I stand up slowly and look up to the most beautiful face I have ever seen. "NIALL!" I jump out the door into his arms. We stand there for 5 minutes without letting go. I cant let go, I just cant!!

"Ive missed you." He whispers.

"I pull back abit so we were looking into each other eyes as tears poured down my face "Ive missed you more."

"I don't think so." he smiles

"ha" I laugh.

"Oh niall." I go back into a hug. "im never letting you go again" I whisper. "Wait..." I pull back again "You weren't supposed to back home till tomorrow?"

"Well we didn't have anything on today so I thought id come and surprise you."

"Ahh I love you niall." I throw myself back onto him and kiss him hard on he lips.

He breaks the kiss "I love you too beautiful" and kisses me again. "Soo wheres my little monster.

"Oh james. Oh my god james." I run back in the house to make sure he has crawled any where.

there he sits with one of bellas toys in his mouth. "Oh theres my little jamo." Niall runs in, drops his bags and picks james up for a hug. "You were sitting by your self. when did he start doing that."

I didn't answer I just burst into tears "hey babe whats the matter." Niall comes over to me and puts his hand on my waist.

I  cover my mouth with my hand and slide it down my chin "This morning..." I couldn't finish I just covered my eyes with hand.

"Oh babe come on sit of the sofa." Niall leads me to the sofa and sits down by the side of me. "Now take a deep breath and tell me."

I take a big breath in and out and started again "This morning when I was cleaning the dishes I put james on his play mat when I finished putting the dishes away, I turned around and was sitting at th kitchen door all by himself."

"he crawled?" Niall whispered.

"Yeah and you weren't there."

"Oh lauren calm down now did you see him."

"no which makes me feel abit better."

"There ya go then we both missed him then. ya gonna crawl for mummy and daddy." he sits james on the floor and straight away hes off crawl to bella.

"There ya babe now weve both seen him. come here" He puts his arm around me and we sit back watching james play with bella. "I think he loves bella."

"Haha. hes started getting quite close to her recently." I sniff and wipe my tears away. Ive got niall back, our baby if crawling and sitting up on his own, I don't need tears anymore.


Hope you liked it :)  Please Comment <3

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