A New Life With POREOTICS Part 1

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I’ve always felt that I didn’t belong, I’m not skinny, nor do I categorize myself as one of the “beautiful” people, even though I have been told so many times before, I guess it’s because I don’t see myself how others see me.. To me I feel I’m average. I decided two weeks ago that I need to leave my life here and start a new.. There’s just so much drama and chaos surrounding me all the time I just can’t take it anymore, so I booked me a one way flight to California, that should be far enough, oh did I mention I live in New Zealand? No? Oh well now you know. In a way I was sad to leave my family and friends, who wouldn’t be, but I was more excited, and nervous about my new journey to a foreign land, this should be very interesting. As I say goodbye to the people I love, I start getting butterflies all up in my stomach, and my eyes start watering up, I’ve never been good at goodbyes. I just kept telling myself it was for the best.

-Skips to arriving in California-

As I stepped off the plane and collected my luggage, I heard a high pitched scream and my name being shouted out, how embarrassing, I slowly turned around and seen my cousin Haylee running towards me, I would have ran towards her too, but I was so exhausted from the flight needless to say, I was stuffed. “OH MY GOD! YOUR FINALLY HERE!!!" Haylee screamed at me in a high pitch, causing me to wince as the sound travelled through my ears; as she headed towards me, my lips curved up into a small smile, a laugh accompaning that action. "Haha, hey cuz! I know, I feel like I'm dreaming, this is just so.. So unreal!" I replied back to her, as I bit on my lower lip habitually, as the sudden realization of being far from home began to sink in. I looked around my surroundings, it was nothing like the Airport I was used to. My thoughts were interupted as Haylee spoke again. "How was your fli-" She stopped midsentence, her gaze falling down to my feet. "Is that all you brought over? One suitcase, really?" She questioned as her right brow raised. Unlike most girls, I found it hard to pack every single thing, I figured all I needed was the essentials, and that I would purchase whatever else I needed while I was here, it seemed logical to me. "Yeah? So what of it? You know I've never really been one to pack everything, oh, and my flight was great, thanks for asking..." I allowed my sentence to linger into the air, my head shaking as a small giggle released from my lips, 'she hasn't changed one bit' I thought to myself. "Oh cuz, we have so much to catch up on. How's the family? Ahh, I still can't believe you're actually here!" Hayee quickly changed the subject as her laced hands moved under her chin, her smile wide enough to show her gums - this was a natural look for Haylee when she was happy. "Tell me about it, I'm still trying to comes to terms with it. The family? Yeah, they're go--." I began to reply as my eyes drifted around the area, my heart almost sunk when my eyes laid eyes on someone I had admired, and Idolized for years. "Omg. Is that, could it be?" I spoke as my eyes grew wider, Haylee turned to see who I was looking at, a chuckle emitting from her lips. "Justin JetLi Valles?" I finished, as my hand moved to cover my mouth. Haylee turned her attention back to me, her arms folding over her torso as she sifted her weight onto her right leg. "I see you know my boyfriend." Haylee replied. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, my eyes left Justin and moved to Haylee, scrutinizing her. "Please tell me you are kidding? Omg, he's so gorgeous, wow!" I said as my eyes moved back to him. Haylee let out yet another chuckle. "Why would I joke? I met him at a club, we got to talking, and next thing I know, we're dating!" She said with a proud smile. At that moment, Justin walked up behind Haylee. "Heey, wassup? I'm Justin, nice to finally meet you!" He introduced himself to me with a warm smile. "Can I help you with your bags-- Oh, bag?" He let out a laugh as he moved closer towards me; I could feel my heart beating close against my chest, my hand still positioned over my mouth. I was at a standstill, why was I not talking? What was wrong with me? 'SPEAK ALICIA HE’S LOOKING AT YOU FUNNY HURRY UP!' The voice inside my head screamed at me. It wasn't long until I took control over my frozen body, my hand falling back into it's natural position, my lips cu riving up into a small awkward smile. "Oh-- Haha, sure, if you want, I mean.. Hah. You're amazing, I just love you!" The words quickly blurted out in a mumble. 'Nice one idiot, you just told your cousins boyfriend you loved him, good job.' The voice inside my head said.

A New Life With POREOTICS Part 1Where stories live. Discover now