Homecoming POREOTICS

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Dumbo’s POV

We’d been here for a couple of weeks now, it was so awesome getting to know Alicia’s family but we both decided it was time to go back to the states, she hated goodbyes, she was trying to put it off, her family put on a massive farewell for us at the hall, I’ve never met a family so loving & so close!

Mum: “I’m going to miss you boy” Alicia’s mum said to me trying not to cry, I turned around and hugged her

Me: “I’m going to really miss you too mum” I said hugging her tightly, she started crying, I hugged her tighter “Mum don’t worry we’ll be back and I’ll fly you over and stuff” she looked up and smiled at me.

Mum: “Really? That’s so sweet Matthew, I really appreciate that”

Me: “And I’ll fly you out the month baby is due, so you can meet her instead of looking at photos” She hugged me again

Mum: “MATTHEW! THANK YOU SO MUCH I’LL PAY YOU BACK! I PROMISE SON!” She really started to cry this time; it felt nice when she called me son, I really didn’t want to leave.

We got to the farewell party and everyone was there, all of Alicia’s cousins, Uncles, Aunties, Even a picture of her Nan, we went around and greeted everyone, her family had pretty much made me one of their own, I had formed a close bond with each and every one of them, they were all so loving, we got to the photo of Alicia’s Nan.

Alicia: “Nan would have loved you babe” She said while touching the picture

Me: “I wish I could have met her, hearing all these stories about her, it sounds like she was an amazing lady! And what she done for your family, it really does suck I’m never going to meet her” I said while putting my hands around Alicia, at that moment I felt a cold touch on my cheek, it was weird, it sent a shiver down my spine, then Alicia started crying

Alicia: “Thank you nan, I love you” She said I looked at her weird

Alicia: “My nan was just here, she touched my cheek”

Me: “Really? I think she touched mine too, I felt like a cold touch on my cheek”

Alicia kissed where I felt the coldness, she looked at me “She approves of you” I smiled. Alicia’s family started coming up to us, the guys grabbed me & the girls grabbed her! This was crazy, all the girls were touching Alicia’s tummy, you could see a bump now! And sometimes you felt baby move! I was so excited! The boys gave me all these shots of Jagermeister, Oh man; I knew this was going to be a good night! As the night went on I was getting more & more intoxicated, everything was spinning, I couldn’t stop laughing, one of the boys asked me for a battle I laughed and accepted, why? I knew I would lose I was so drunk. The music started playing and he went first he started popping, it was kinda tight, from what I could see, everyone crowded us I heard one of the boys say “BRO! You're gonna lose, he’s a professional cuz!” Everyone laughed and so did I, the song finished and everyone clapped, it was my turn, I’m in the house came on and I smiled widely, I had been working on this piece for awhile now, I counted out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8 & I started dancing, I was hoping everything was clean I was extremely drunk, everyone was cheering, it must of looked dope, the song finished and I did a bowl, everyone ran up to me “BRO THAT WAS SICK!” one of the boys said I laughed, Alicia came up to me, she looked so happy, then I realised, it was the first time she actually got to see me dance... Well live that is, she jumped on me and I caught her, she started kissing me all over, I kissed her back

Alicia: “BABE THAT WAS AMAZING!” She said, I believed her because after all, she WAS the sober one, I kissed her and thanked her, I heard one of the boys shout “WHO’S KEEN ON TOWN??” Everyone screamed, I guess we were going to town one of the boys said “Churr even got a sober D” He said looking at Alicia, she laughed and said “If y’all ain’t ready when I! Want to go home, I’m leaving you idiots out there with NO! Way home” jokingly, Eddie [one of her cousins] laughed & picked her up

A New Life With POREOTICS Part 1Where stories live. Discover now