Heartbreaks POREOTICS

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Alicia’s POV

I was really worried about Jet, I’ve never seen someone so heartbroken, but in a way, I thought he deserved it, how could he give up on their love because she didn’t want babies, love is all about sacrifices! She would have eventually come around to the idea, I know she would have!

Jet: “I’m going to see her!”

Dumbo: “Do you think that’s a good idea bro? Just calm down a little bit!”

Jet: “No, I have to go see her! I need to go see her!”

Me: “I’ll come with you, she won’t want to talk to you, I’ll get her to open the door”

Dumbo: “No I’ll go”

Me: “I’m her cousin, if you go she’ll know that Justin’s with you” He didn’t like the idea but he let me go anyways, he walked me to Jet’s car and gave me a kiss before we left.

Dumbo: “I love you, be safe” he said as he kissed me, he got down to his knees & kissed my stomach “I’ll see you soon baby! Daddy loves you” I jumped in the car and we made our way, I could see Dumbo in the mirror, his arms were folded over his torso and he looked concerned, he was such a worry wart! On the drive over I was trying to calm Jet down, he was still crying.

Me: “Hey, it’s going to be okay, she loves you so much! She’ll probably take you back”

Jet: “You really think so? UGH! I feel like such an idiot!” he said as more tears ran down his face.

Me: “Yes, I’ve never seen her so in love with a guy before Justin, now stop crying, it’ll be fine”

He was such in such a rush to go see Haylee, he ran a red light, he didn’t even see it, my eyes widened as I seen the car heading towards me.

Dumbo’s POV

I didn’t want her to go, I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, man I shouldn’t have let her go! I should have driven! Law came up to me.

Law: “Hey bro, what’s going on? And why is Jet crying?”

I went to answer him back, but I felt pain in my stomach, it was so painful it got me down to my knees, wth was going on?

Law: “Bro are you okay? Did you eat something bad??” my eyes widened

Me: “ALICIA” I screamed out her name, I picked myself up from my knees and ran to grab my keys, Law came with me, I started driving to the hotel Haylee was staying at.

Law: “Bro, what’s wrong??” He asked me concerned

Me: “I don’t know, but I think something’s happened to Alicia, don’t ask me how I know, I just do”

About half way to her hotel I seen ambulance & police personal, my heart instantly sank, I pulled up to the side of the road, both Law and I got out, we ran to the scene, I was praying at this point, please don’t let it be! My heart sunk even more when I seen Jet’s car on its side, tears started falling down my face! I seen Jet walking next to a stretcher, Alicia was on it, she wasn’t moving!

Me: “NOOO!!!!!!” I ran up to her but the police held me back.

Police man: “I’m sorry sir but I can’t let you pass”

Me: “THAT IS MY GIRLFRIEND! ALICIA!!!!!” He still didn’t let me pass, Jet looked up at me, rage went straight through my body! He came up to me

Jet: “Hey man! I’m so sorry! I didn’t I wasn’t” He didn’t say another thing, my body started shaking

Police man: “Is this guy really her boy friend?” He asked Jet, he just nodded, the cop pulled up the tape both Law and I ran to her side.

A New Life With POREOTICS Part 1Where stories live. Discover now