New Beginnings POREOTICS

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Law’s POV.

I woke up to the sound of Ti’s voice and her shaking me.

Ti: “Law, baby, wake up, its morning.”

I slowly opened my eyes, oh crap it was morning, I must have drifted off. Everyone left last night to get some sleep, but I decided to stay back just in case Dumbo came back, I felt so bad for him, I couldn’t even begin to feel what he was going through right now, I took out my phone and dialed his number, it went straight to voicemail.

Me: “Hey baby, did he come home last night?”

Ti: “No, I waited up until 3AM but he never showed, neither did Justin.”

I didn’t really care for Justin at the moment; I gave Ti a kiss and made my way to the nurse’s station. I cleared my throat to get their attention. An old male nurse looked up at me.

Nurse: “Can I help you sir?”

Me: “Well, I was just wondering if I could go see my sister.”

Nurse: “What is her name?” He asked me.

Me: “Alicia Hanson.”

The nurse typed in her name and looked at the computer screen for a moment; he put his hand on his chin and squinted a bit.

Nurse: “Well I guess it would be okay.” He said but it seemed as if he wasn’t talking to me. “If you could just go sit back down sir and I’ll come back to you with an answer.” I nodded and walked back to my seat.

Kya: “So I’m guessing he didn’t come back here.” She asked me.

Me: “No, I wish I knew where he was, I’m worried about him.”

Chad: “Maybe we should go look for him.” He suggested.

Charles: “I’ll help look for him, kind of make it easier.”

Can: “I’ll help too, like Law I’m real worried about him too.”

Me: “I would look, but I think I’m going to stay here, I want to see how Leeshuh is.”

All the boys nodded and made their way to their cars, the nurse came back up to me, I stood up.

Nurse: “Well, I just asked the doctors and they said you could go in, but they also asked me to caution you, she seems to be suffering from amnesia, so she won’t know who you are, we ask that you be patient with her and remind her of who she is and how she used to be, the doctors are sure it isn’t permanent.”

I was shocked at the news, now I understand why Dumbo just ran out, I couldn’t help but feel even worse for him, and my anger towards Justin was growing even more. The nurse gave me directions on how to get to Leeshuh’s room and I made my way. I arrived at her ward and took a deep breath in and walked in. Leeshuh was sitting on her bed with Dumbo’s phone in her hands ahh now I know why he wasn’t answering his phone, he must have given it to her so she could look at all the memories they shared together. She looked up at me and awkwardly smiled.

Me: “Can I sit down?” I asked her, I studied her face; it seemed as if she was trying to remember who I was.

Leeshuh: “Um, sure.”

I went to the seat next to her bed and sat down.

Me: “Well I’m Lawrence, but you usually call me Law or Lawvley, I’m like your older brother.”

She smiled at the nickname she gave me and put her hand out, I took it and shook her hand, I laughed a little at myself and so did she.

Dumbo’s POV.

A New Life With POREOTICS Part 1Where stories live. Discover now