Chapter 11 - EDITED

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A piercing scream rang through the air, awaking both Sky and I from our slumber.

"What was that?" Sky asked groggily as he sat up to rub his eyes. "I don't know, sound like Garte though." I replied him with a sleepy yawn.

I sighed, "I guess we should go save him...shouldn't we?" I asked Sky as I transformed into my armour. "Yeah, I think we should." Sky confirmed as he buddered up.

Running though the hallway, we still heard the screams of Garte. "Man, when we tried to save that village from burning down, even the villagers didn't scream for that long." Sky winced as he covered his ears up. "Well," I started, I rubbed my forehead, I was getting a headache from that screaming, "this is Garte that we're talking about."

While we continued running, we started to nom on some bread, where we got it, I'm not sure. "Hey Jess, where did we get this bread from?" Sky asked, his voice muffled by the piece of bread.

"Just follow the plot of the story Sky!" I managed to hiss, even though there was a piece of bread in my mouth.

Once we managed to enter the Main Hall with our pieces of bread eaten, we quickly rushed to the screaming Garte who was running around in circles while Zianna sat on a chair in the corner caring for her new baby she named Vlad.

"What's wrong Garte?" Sky asked, panic laced in his voice as he saw the state that Garte was in. "The boys are missing!" Garte screamed in our faces, "Zane wasn't in town tormenting people and Garroth is nowhere to be found!"

I sighed, "Alright, I'll go find Zane."

"And I'll find Garroth." Sky finished.

We then left the room, leaving the banshee of a Garte behind with Zianna and the new baby. Once we were a good distance away from the room, both Sky and I turned to each other and nodded a silent goodbye before heading separate ways.

Once I was outside Zane's room, I got into thinking. If I were Zane, where would I be if I'm not tormenting the villagers? I repeated the sentence for a few minutes before it slowly became a mantra.

After a good hour, I banged my head on the wall. Why am I so stupid? If I were Zane and I'm not tormenting the villagers, there was only one place I would go to. I headed down the hallway, pass the creaky old cellar and the torture chambers, only to come face to face with a door.

In the past, the previous Lord's of O'khasis were merciless. They would bring only the innocent ones in this room to torture them endlessly, just for fun. Slowly, I opened the door and wined as it made a creaking sound, but dark figure in the corner didn't hear it. I was safe.

I made my way slowly toward the dark figure and flipped the switch on. There, in the corner, the dark figure was no longer existent as it was replaced by the one and only Zane of O'khasis who was scarfing down what seemed to be like sprinkled cupcakes while having a tea party with a pink toy pony which he called 'Pinkie Cake'.

"Zane?" I questioned, tapping my foot on the ground as he slowly turned to face me, "Why did you not invite me??" I whined as he looked relieved.

"Oh, uh, hi Aphmau. I didn't because you were busy sleeping, plus, I ship Skymau so why not?" he replied with a mere shrug. I swear, being the protector of Zane is going to be the death of me.

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