Ch-8. Ella

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Yay! My exams are finally over. You will have frequent updates. If you have not, please read the previous author's note. Also, this chapter will have new characters, and it takes place at the same time but at a different location. Say whether you like them or not. Also, in this chapter, I tried to write romance. 

I included a character named Alseia who was not included in the first draft. I love writing her. 

So list your thoughts below. I will ramble in the end. Enjoy!

The Radiant One

The Radiant One

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The slight creaking of the metal bolts of the doors jerked her awake. She instinctively raised her hands to block the incoming water, but it never came. The fact that the guards did not pour water on her, itself made her sleep run away.

This place was a hell specially built to torture her. And no thanks to the Princess who had ordered her punishment, condemning her to slavery. She was the princess' favourite slave.

"Get up, wrench. I haven't gotten all day," spat the guard who had so generously come to wake her up. At this rate, her life was definitely reaching its heights.

She honestly did not know what she had done to deserve this pathetic life. She then slowly got up, wincing as her body ached. The fresh scars she got yesterday which the medicine - where Alseia got the ointment from, Ella did not know, should have healed, opened and started bleeding. It should have burned her as the scars from whipping should have, but it did not. She was used to it.

She rolled her lifeless eyes at him, provoking him further. As expected, the guard came lunging at her. Nevertheless, she did not cover away. He then caught her by her once gorgeous midnight black hair that was envied by many and banged her against the uneven surface wall. Her not so delicate skin on her forehead tore and the blood trickled down. Seeing blood more than water, she became used to that colour and its smell.

He raised his fists to wallop her across her cheeks, but something stopped him. Clenching his fists, and giving her a signature venomous glare, he left. Not bothering to clean herself, Ella exited out of the pathetic excuse of a room which she shared with Alseia, another slave.

The usual dim and filthy hallway was suspiciously neat and tidy. Someone had even lit the torches. What a surprise! On her way to the common bath, many of her acquaintances were dressed in clean clothes. Scrunching her brows in confusion, she entered the bathroom.

Alseia grinned at her when she entered. This girl was more or less her age, who was born into slavery. Her mother and father were slaves, making her one too. Alseia had the spark in her eyes, despite the years. She believed that she would be able to escape one day no matter what. And Ella did not have the heart to say that some dreams were meant to be crushed.

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