Ch-32. Amara

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I thought I cannot update this week, but somehow I did! Phew. I do not have much to say. So give a vote if you like and throw in a comment or two!



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Warm and moist breath from Tyen hit on her barely exposed shoulder as she led her horse through the streets of Troshomn. The city's residents have left to do the preparations, depriving the city of its vivacity.

Full moon had passed four days ago and the moon was waning. Not a single star was out, they hid as though they were afraid of something.

She licked her chapped lips and forced some saliva into her dry throat. The coolness of the air was not helping her. Her skin cut open on its own and bled. Though the cuts were barely there the next day, the time it came was painful. It did not allow her to do sudden movements, like flexing her fingers.

How she wished, Chavva were here. That healer would know what to do for her dry skin.

As for the rest of her companions? Majority had oily skin, some neutral and only one or two had their skin like hers but not as worst as hers. She slumped her head forward. She should have listened to Trystan when he advised her to but some body oil in Ashakiya. Why was she a stupid then?

Trystan was walking next to her. Occasionally, his hand brushed against hers. Added to the coldness, the layer of sweat on his skin made her shiver whenever it touched her. Unlike the rest, he did not have any reins or whip to control his horse. Just his words and Nasik would comply better than a human would. She wondered whether he spoke to the horse in its own language.

"How much longer?" Naola whined, leaning on her horse, walking behind her.

"We are already in Troshomn," Risar said, without turning to see the artist scowling on his back, "Just a few blocks and we will reach the inn, they booked for us."

"Thank the Spirits!" she cried. "They were thoughtful enough to allow us to rest."

"Not rest, Naola," the merchant shot back. "For us to clean ourselves. Meeting is tonight."

"Not fair!" Naola exclaimed and came next to Amara, handing the reins of her mare to her father.

"Hey there," Amara said in an airy voice. Trystan moved to her right, guiding his horse, giving space for Naola.

"Hey to you too," she grumbled, slouching her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" she roared, "My back is paining from the ride, my fingers are stiff, I can't even hold anything. My head is aching and my feet are killing me right now. You're asking me what's wrong."

Amara raised her hands up and shook her head.

Trystan chuckled softly at her outburst. He turned his face, towards his right, facing his horse. Luckily, for him, Naola did not see his response.

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