Ch-23. Ella

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Whew! I never thought that I could update this month. My schedule is horrible. Does anyone know how to manage time? 'Cause it is head breaking! Anyway, the here's a chapter. I will talk later! Do not forget to read the last A/n. It's no use is it not? Telling you to read the A/n.

Why am I increasing the words? I need to cut them down! Just why?

  @RedAppleBooklover Thank you for flooding my notifications with your votes :)

A New Friend

A New Friend

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Days without Mika was slow-paced. It had no meaning. Alseia would try to cheer her up, but she was simply not Mika. Though both the women loved to have fun even in the bleakest of their lives, Ella could now see the differences between her two friends. While one was confident enough, skilled enough to leave the other was broken in ways Ella knew she would understand soon. Mika was an assassin, while Alseia was a born slave.

The stiff expression her face wore, was etched. There was no one to remove it by making her smile. Until then, she never knew how Mika made her laugh at the dullest of her times. Alseia did her best, but Ella rarely saw her. It was as if the guards knew that Ella's only hope was Alseia. Luka gave her enough work that the girl rarely slept. During the long days without Mika, Ella had seen her friend only thrice.

Ella did her routine. Wake up, wash her face and slough in the dying room until the bell for dinner rang. Then eat the soggy food and return to sleep only to be woken up within next four hours. Luka was considerate enough to allow her to sleep for four hours. Her roommate, Alseia was a whole new story. Luka hated her and that one emotion accounted for everything her friend underwent.

Luckily, for the past one day, all the clothes were enough dyed and Luka was planning another work for all those who worked there. And since she was not well, the ones who worked with the dyes were left free for one day. Just one day. No one bothered to check them and Ella had a feeling that a few good knights had ordered the slaves a little rest. That might explain why Alseia was sleeping to her oblivion. The land could have sunk and her friend would not have cared.

Staring at the black ceiling, her mind welcomed unwanted, pessimistic and toxic thoughts. They became so melancholy that she could physically feel the pain; the pressure that settled on her heart and the suffocating feeling of her lungs. Her throat tightened as she resisted the urge to cry.

Would she be stuck here for the rest of her life? Would ever be able to sleep just once in her lover's arms? Would she-

Ella shook her head. Having thoughts about future was overwhelming. If she did cry, she would wake Alseia and that girl needed this sleep more than anyone.

Taking a deep breath, Ella sat. Her bones protested when she got up and her heavy heart whispered sinful things for her to lie down. But her mind ordered her to get out of that room. When she stood up, she fled the room.

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