Ch-34. Ella

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The usual weekly update. Hope you have an amazing Sunday! Look at the end of the chapter for translations. :)


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Reika's words had such a powerful impact on her that she did not realise how much it broke her inside. It was only then she wondered how dependent she was on others.

The coal crackled like an old woman in the furnace, as she wiped the silver artefacts clean. Her unwashed hair, turning brown, was dappled with dust. Her petite form was becoming thinner day-by-day. She did not know how she survived on low food and water.

The doors to the study flew open and three footsteps strode in. Two were in hurry, while the third came with a slowly, taking their time.

Taking a deep breath, she fixed her eyes on the fireplace and never turned her face. Her heart thrashed against her ribs and pounded in her ears. Somehow, she found her palms sweaty.

The silverware she was cleaning almost fell from her grip. Just a moment before it hit the ground, she caught it. If she had thought, her heart was beating fast before then that was nothing compared to the pace it was pumping now. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes. She did not move; her feet firm on the ground.

"...Absolutely no!" one gruff voice cried. "He will certainly be displeased."

"I do not care," another voice said, coolly. "It is your duty to convince him. She will prove her worth to us in the meantime."

"Her worth?" the same raspy voice rose. "We might not even need her!"

"What are you suggesting, Lephar?" Someone moved the chairs. "This is not our battle, yet we fight. Don't tell me you don't know why we are doing this."

"I bloody well know why." The man named Lephar growled. "But I do not trust the Princess anymore."

A deadly silence followed. She unconsciously took a step back. How did they not question her presence? Or they noticed her only now?

"Open your mouth, Phyrkal," the cool voice demanded. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Afrarsk pymil," A harsh voice grunted. "Tgu doh noe frecherer wi drefriyae. Gi frecherer shi. Ara shak kayran." 

"What?" the other man asked.

"He says he trusts the princess," Lephar said. "If you are going to bargain with the pirates, at least learn their tongue. They appreciate that, Luryn."

"But he spoke a lot," Luryn said.

"He also said, she will return," Lephar said.

She turned to see what was concealing her. To Ella's surprise, the thick curtain that parted the fireplace and the study was drawn open. She had forgotten to tie it up after dusting it. She dropped to her knees and gasped, thanking the Fates.

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