Ch-39. Caelin

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I am back on schedule! Yay! Enjoy:)

Deal with Two

Deal with Two

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The inn was quite lively for a gloomy night. Perhaps it was gloomy for him, as he knew what was to happen. The chandeliers were lit and the laughter of the people was infectious. As much as he did not want to, he found himself enjoying the night.

The women sang and the children danced. The 'Gold Dust' did live up to the name of being one of best inns in Uhona.

The wait was killing him. He would rather run over roofs, allowing the night to do his magic as he did his job. No, she just had to make him wait.

His eyes searched the entire room. She was yet to come. When he was about to turn his face, a girl in her early twenties came up to him with a sultry smile on her face, her eyes shining with a malicious intent.

That girl did not even take two steps before she came and slumped on the chair opposite to him. Seeing a woman is already in front of him, the girl stayed where she was. 

"Never knew this is evening, Holia," he said wryly. 

He had completed everything on his plate except the meat. In the goblet, there was wine, the one thing he hated. But it was the strongest booze they had. 

"I was held up somewhere," she said, reaching to take his water.

Her hood, just like his, did a perfect job of hiding her face. She was not dressed for this place. In fact, she was not dressed for any place except war.

Women and men alike gave her a judging glance. She glowered back at them.

When he had asked about her dressing choices, she had shrugged him off and said that she was dressed in a dress she was comfortable in.

After that, he did not argue with her.

"Master said nothing about it?" he asked, fiddling with a goblet. 

"Nope," she said.

He scrunched his eyebrows at her but never said anything else. Holia rarely acted as a messenger. She was one of the four females his master trained to be an assassin.

Now sitting in the corner an expensive tavern, he assessed her. Dawn was back in the base. As much as he hated her annoying voice, he found himself missing her stupid questions. 

A girl was eyeing them with keen interest. No doubt, she was working for the rebellion. The way she hopped around his table gave her away. If she wanted to eavesdrop, then she should have been discreet about it. 

"Why was it necessary for me to come?" Hoila said, swirling the water in the glass. "I go and kill. I don't deliver messages."

"Actually I thought Master would reply as in a letter, never did I think he would send you," Caelin said, pulling his hood further down his face.

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