Ch-44. Ar'kela

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I know! Another update from me in such a short span of time. But this is from Ar'kela's pov. the chapters tend to be short. I think this might be the last chapter from her pov in this book. (Yes, the book is coming to an end, yeep!). 



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"Not to be rude, Immortal," she began, taking of her hood. "Why do you keep insisting that we meet in the forest?"

Ar'kela threw her head back and laughed while there was nothing to be laughed at. Only if that General knew the truth. But she had still come, had she not? What a mortal would have taken three weeks, did she not come in a single night because Zhiryn requested?

"There are many things you don't know," Ar'kela said. "And it is best that you don't."

For a second, she saw defiance in Valencia's eyes. Like the sudden cry of a bird, the spark died. General Valencia Zhiryn looked anywhere but her. Her moments were that of a cautious woman. Seeing their leader's fluttery glance, the soldiers moved agitatedly in their hiding place.

"You have done the way I said you to do," Ar'kela said, her low voice was surprisingly loud on that silent night.

"Acracia's army will fight for Yerinah, I have made sure of that," she said. "What must I do next?"

"Wait," Ar'kela said. "That's what predators do. Lord Pavan will come in search of aid, there you can help him."

Her blue eyes shone in contrast to her green furs. "How would you know? Are you a Seer?"

Ar'kela smirked. "I am not a Seer, nor do I need to be one to know. Don't ever question the birth of a river. Don't question the person who is helping you."

The General of Acracia took a step forward. The earlier snow shifted beneath her feet. Seeing the look of anger and irritation on her face, Ar'kela smiled as she leant on the bark of a spruce tree.

"I demand to know who you are!" She raised her voice. "No one helps without any profit for themselves."

"Then you are wrong there." She bit her lip. "You don't know me at all."

"What must I know about a conniving thief?" General Valencia fired. The spark again visible in her eyes.

At her words, the clouds gathered. Any insult to the Guardians is a direct insult to the Spirits. They had chosen the Guardians after all.

Ar'kela narrowed her eyes. These mortals acted as though they know everything. She hated that one trait. Most lacked humility; out of their stupid pride, arrogance grew. That sapling's root was strong enough to break the boulder but was it enough to split apart a mountain? Only time could tell.

Trusting the world to them had made the world a worse place to live in. In her days, the world was built based on trust and love. No one had a problem. They knew to separate the black from white. How could one lie, when the other could tell what is the truth?

"You don't know me," she warned. "You will not like it when you know, Zhiryn."

"You are all bark." She cocked her head. "I really doubt whether you are immortal."

That question was a great offence to any Immortal who had ever walked the face the Lavatia. Maintaining the balance was not as easy as these people thought it was. Mortals did not usually survive asking that question.

"Quite guts you have there," Ar'kela said, curling her toes inside her boots. "I am not going to explain myself, least to you."

In the General's mind, a question echoed but she dared not voice it out. If Ar'kela said her ability, it would further take that woman's faith in her.

"That is all, then," General Valencia huffed and turned to leave. Her five soldiers- who were hiding, shifted their position, ready to follow her

"I have some information regarding your opponent," Ar'kela called and her words stopped the General on her tracks. "I might say if you have the time to listen."

Valencia bristled when she turned. "You should have said it earlier."

"A little respect would never hurt you know?" she said, containing her smouldering anger.

Valencia said nothing but she did not apologise.

Ar'kela rolled her eyes. Arguing would get nowhere. "Know one thing while fighting, be careful. The opponent has two Guardians. Gideon, Guardian of War and Kacela, Guardian of Death. They will try to minimise the cost of war, but it truly lies in the hands of those who fight. Make sure your army knows whom they are against. If they stay out of the Guardian's way, they could make it out alive."

"G-guardians?" Valencia froze. She then looked at Ar'kela with wide eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Why would I lie?" Ar'kela countered. "What reason do I have?"

"Could be my ill behaviour towards you."

"So you do respect Guardians," she drawled.

"I am the General of Acracia," she growled. "I served the Ralaeras! I know what they mean. And the power they hold."

Ar'kela was tempted to point out that Valencia was the General, but she sewed her mouth. Any more provoking will not get her work done.

"Great then," she commented dryly.

"But why are the Guardians serving them?" she asked. "If you know many things, you must know this one too."

"I do," she said. "They are there to sever the bond and claim what belongs to the start."

"You are not making any sense."

"I never do," Ar'kela chuckled. "But as time goes, you will understand."

Their conversation came to an abrupt halt. Neither spoke afterwards.

"I need to go." Valencia broke the silence. "I do not know when we can meet again."

She laughed again. This woman was not going to like what she was going to say. "I am moving. I am not longer going to be here."

The General waited and the owls hooted.


That was the biggest question of them all. Where.

"Just moving, like I always do," Ar'kela said and closed her eyes. "Like I always do."

The other woman waited. The Guardian knew that woman would not go until she said where. How could she, when she herself did not know?

"Capital of Acracia," she said, making her mind in the last second. "Anthyse."

It was short. Must agree. The next chapter is from Caelin's pov. This might take some time for me :)


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