Ch-22. Ar'kela

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I know a soon update! Rejoice! I really did want to part in NaNoWriMo, but Fates said no. So I will try to write 50k words(approx.) for this book in this month. So you can expect many updates. 

Guardian of Sins

Guardian of Sins

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She tapped her lithe foot impatiently on the soft soil that was visible beneath the white cover. Would the message she was waiting for will ever arrive? She needed to leave this place soon. How long was she going to hide in the bosom of Fangforn?

The white linen dress she wore, gave her no warmth but helped her to hide among the growing blizzard. The Darkness no longer bothered her. He fled once he knew he could not shake her.

A strix, as black, as onyx appeared with all its battle claws sharpened. Kacela, Guardian of Death grew these fight birds and took care of them. When a mortal sights a strix, legends say they die. Why should she be afraid when she was not one?

The strix landed on her outstretched right arm. Its grip was strong enough to break her bone; claws sharp enough to tear her skin, yet she did not wince. The strix would trust only the strongest and any reaction from her would deem the bird that she was not strong.

 The strix would trust only the strongest and any reaction from her would deem the bird that she was not strong

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(A Strix) 

However, she knew this strix personally. Xevach was the strix that was close to her. In fact, this bird belonged to her, not to Kacela.

"What is it, love?" she asked, running her slender fingers through the rough feathers of the bird.

The bird responded to her touch by scooting closer to her. It then opened its wide calculating brown eyes. It nipped her finger when it came closer to its beak. She laughed. "Still no change, huh?"

It opened it left wing and rose it up. There in the junction between its wing and pectoral muscles, was a hidden message.

She took that message and let Xevach fly to ease his wings. After all, he was going to fly over a long distance.


Still keeping that name, I see. But that's not why I am writing this. Darpan, the Guardian of Sins who was brutally killed last month as I had written it to you, is born. Though I may not know what name his parents have named him, I know he was born. In a quiet village in Icathus. What was the name of the village? Taswar. Yes. I need you come soon. 

Arian have returned, but something is wrong with him. He just stares into space and mutter things. I can feel his soul slipping in and out of Volney. I am scared Ar'kela. I am terrified whether they finally found a way to kill us forever. To save him, I could call Jaycen, but he is in Ir'ris'iak as we speak. He went there despite you saying not to go. He claimed he heard from Keyah. I have not heard from Sephtis, my patron for more than a century. Have you heard from yours? I have no idea what we are dealing with. All I am going to do is to protect Darpan until you come. Yes. I want you to come and meet me. 

If you do not come, we might lose Arian forever. I am not talking about his physical body, but his soul. His soul is shattering. They finally found a way to break us! Please, as guardian of rebirth, I know you can save him. Not to mention, you have stayed there for an entire month and fourteen days ever since you last wrote to me. 

You have welcomed them, saved them, healed them, but right now your comrades need you. I shall be waiting for you. Since Sehoiha and Ganisle are attacked, the Blue Bloods will be meeting in Troshomn. Their meeting is in twenty days from now. They are going to regroup again.  Half the population of Acracia will be going there can you sneak in here? If General Warrdis is as clever as you claim to be, then we might have a chance.

Awaiting your reply,


Her breath stopped short when she realised how carelessly she had sent Arian. If he had not been the Guardian of Black Magic, she was sure he would not have survived.

But why did Jaycen go to a hopeless continent? Did he go there to heal every corrupt soul? Then he was just as hopeless as they were. He could have stayed where there was a sliver of life and save that first. She shook her head. She needed to have a serious conversation with him about his sanity once he returned.

She knew what to answer to Kacela. The Guardian of Death was right. When everyone was busy to reach Troshomn, she could sneak out. She nodded to herself. There was a reason why there was never a Guardian for Fate, ever since Eilian died. Fate was too difficult to be controlled. No one, not even the Fate itself would know what is there hidden in the future except Demelza.

"Xevach!" she called.

The faithful bird landed on her extended right arm.

"Inform her that I will be there in a month's time. Tell her I cannot travel while the Kingdom's soldiers look out for Immortals. Arian shall survive. I will make sure of it," she whispered into his ears, as though she was his lover. "It was a mere poison. A poison to harm an Immortal. Give an illusion that he is dying. Only the venom from Jraha and the essence from Evasca can kill us. Not a single Jraha has been sighted and not a single Evasca has bloomed in a hundred years. Tell her not to worry. My spell will reach Arian." 

The bird nodded and flew. Strix could speak only the words said by its owner. She smirked. She really needed to check what was happening there herself.

If Vritra was who she thought he was, then the Guardians were all in deep trouble. Not to mention the fact that the Spirits had fallen prey to the Darkness.


@lovehurtsxoxo Thank you for voting! You have no idea how it brightened my day. :)

Hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day! I hope you have a great year ahead of you. I shall try to update in the new year.  

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