Ch-28. Chavva

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Hope an early update is okay. ;)



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All the promises she made, was broken. The fates made her do so. But why, she could never tell.

Yawning, she rubbed the Hava's mane. The heafre neighed softly matching the stillness of the dead woods. Birds of different feathers flocked together. The coldness made then to huddle together.

The way she should have used was destroyed by a landslide that occurred last week. She slumped her shoulders before straightening it.

If she had followed her way, she would have met Cathy and would be heading back, but nature did not want her to do that. Instead, she had to take the long route. The route, which made her ride for a week.

"Just a little more, girl," she whispered to Hava.

The mare ruffled her mane and continued walking. Chavva laughed to herself. Her laughter, the trotting of Hava's hooves and crickets' screech gave a little life to the eastern part of Fangforn.

She did not fear travelling in strange places. She was used to it. She knew how to blend in when attackers or beasts came. There was a reason why she liked chameleon. The way it changed its skin fascinated her.

A mile or two before her, a small light flickered bright and dim. She smiled, taking in a deep breath. Cathy's home, like other healers home, was on the outskirts of her village.

The healers purposefully choose their house at such places so that their trade secrets would not be out.

Hava craned her neck and saw her. Chavva glanced at the house and back at Hava. The road was deserted.

She inhaled and nodded. The mare galloped and ran. As much as Amara said she never used her horse for a race, her friend had not seen her race. Only she knew Hava's potential.

If it was only her and Hava, she would have reached here six days ago. But how could she reveal that Hava was a haefre before all those people who accompanied her?

Before she exhaled, Hava was standing in front of Cathy's house. A mile within a minute was nothing for Hava. Laughing without a sound, she patted her mare's back and got off.

The mare trotted a few steps back and looked into her eyes. Its big, black eyes were liquid soot. Warm and deep, which looked into her soul.

"Alright!" She took an apple from her bag and held it in her palm. The white haefre eagerly came forward and ate the apple in a go.

She gave her horse a look of disbelief. Shaking her head, she climbed the front stairs of her friend's house and knocked the door.

The winds carolled and the metal hangings in front of the door clanged. The door creaked and a beaming Cathy opened the door. The plump woman wore a white dress that showed her huge belly. Her brown eyes shone under the lamp she held. Black hair stuck to her forehead and her hands were wet.

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