Ch-50. Cahira

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I never thought I would update twice this week. By doing this, I am pretty confident I can hit the complete option on my birthday. But let's keep the fingers crossed. According to my plan two years ago, this was supposed to be the last chapter. See where I am now. Lol

Did you see the amazing new cover for 'Winter's Dance'? It is gorgeous is it not? Done by @shadowsleek. :)

Bend of a River

Bend of a River

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The pole behind her was the only thing which supported her form. Her legs trembled and her jaws could barely stay firm. She put her hand behind to hold the pole. If no one had been there, she would have complied with the pleas of her knees and would have dropped down.

The lifeless void sky was mournful with chunks of grey mass covering its face. Perhaps the moon was terrified of her that he did not dare to come out. He knew what she would have done had he shown his face.

Inside the tent, Rafela Felicia was seated beside Sefine. Her pulse had left long ago, but the Rafela had insisted on extracting the poison from her blood to study it. As much as that thought repulsed in her, she understood the need for it.

A cool hand shook her from her thoughts. The battle was truly an ugly thing to witness. And being the leader there was horrible. The guilt she felt when her soldiers died to save their country. She would have done anything to protect them.

The nightmares it gave would terrorise her for life.

"Come on." Taryn's broken voice reached her ears. "We need to prepare for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, Dame Taryn, make sure general Cahira does not enter the field," Commander Rhisiart said.

She whipped her head. "Why? Why should I not come? I have every right to enter!"

He looked away. "Dame Sefine's death has affected you deeply. You will not follow the plan once you see that man who killed him. They will try to protect him, but for the safety of our country, my lady, we request you to stay back."

"We?" She balanced herself on her feet. "So all of my Commanders decided to go against me?" She sniffled. Could they not choose a better day to test her skills? Why must it be on the day her blood sang the praises of lust?

"But what is a war without its general?" she chuckled humourlessly. "What is a battle without its leader?"

"It is not our wish to contain you, my lady," Commander Rhisiart said. "We saw the best fit-"

She could not take it anymore. As much as she knew it was rude to walk away, she knew if she had stayed, then she would have spat the words that latter could not be taken back.

Estelle was silently shaking as Nishan embraced her. He was comforting his best with sadness coating his words and face. She was not the only one who had lost a friend that night. Piroska was next to Sefine's body with Rafela Felicia.

Winter's Dance (#1 Ruthen Quartet)Where stories live. Discover now