Sidecar (Harry Styles)

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I hate my job. I know everyone hates their jobs but I really, really do.  I have to work behind the bar tonight and I'm just not in the fuckin' mood. But the inevitable must come to fruition. I'm on my way to Turn Up Room and I'm just praying that we don't get any asshole celebrities tonight. I swiftly gave high fives to all my bouncer buddies and made my way through the service entrance. Before I could even change into my skimpy bar uniform, my best friend Celeste came running up to me.

"Guess who's gonna be in the building tonight?!", Celeste said excitedly.

"Ummm Drake?", I asked unenthusiastically.

"No! Guess again.", she said.

"Umm Chris Hemsworth?", I asked.

"Ooooh I wish, but no guess again!", she said.

"Ummm tell me or I'll kill you.", I stated calmly.

"Boo, your no fun! One Direction girl!!!", she said jumping up and down.

I laughed at her and said, "Is that a band or something?"

She looked at me like I had three heads. "You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me! There the biggest boy band in the world Tatum! God, you must live under a rock or something.", she said.

"I might as well. It makes it easier for me to serve all these VIP assholes like their just regular assholes.", I said and gave her an over exaggerated smile.

"You're such a bitch", Celeste mumbled under her breath.

"I love you too!", I shouted while I walked up the stairs to the bar.

The smell of smoke already started to invade my nostrils and I could feel the bass of Justin Bieber's "Sorry" shake my bones. I closed my eyes, took three deep breaths and got ready to make this money. About an hour into my shift I made about 40 cocktails. Celeste walked by my bar and gave me this exciting look. I rolled my eyes because I knew One Direction just got sat in her VIP section. I knew the bottle service ticket was on the way. I was in charge of the service bar so 10 minutes later I received the ticket:

2 Ketel One Vodka btl
2 Jose Cuervo Tequilla btl
2 Orange Juice Caraffe
2 Cranberry Juice Caraffe
1 Sidecar up with a Twist

I rolled my eyes at the last entry. I wonder which one of them ordered a Sidecar with a twist. Uppity motherfuckers. . . Within seconds, I had the drinks up.

"Oh my God, they are all so cute! And nice too! I mean accept for Harry Styles unfortunately.", Celeste beamed.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"You know, no eye contact, didn't get off the phone while he was placing the order, you know the normal stuff.", she said.

"You want me to put a little Shug Avery pee in his Sidecar?", I asked giggling.

She busted out laughing, shook it off and carried the tray away to the back. Approximately 4 minutes later, Celeste came back rolling her eyes with the Sidecar in her hand. I met her at the end of the bar.

"What's the problem?", I asked. Celeste looked hesitant about relaying the message. She knew how personal I took drinks getting sent back.

"Ummm. . . he said it was wrong.", she said.

I said, "What's wrong with it?"

"He didn't say. He just took a sip, made a disgusting face and handed me the drink back without making eye contact.", Celeste said.

Now I was the one rolling my eyes. I asked, "Did he say anything?"

She said, "He just said make it again."

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