Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

We woke up and threw on jeans and a top quickly before rushing out the house. Hol drove us to school quickly and we managed to get into 1st period in time. We sat at our normal places and well Holly actually paid attention to the teacher, I couldn't take my focus off of my beautiful girlfriend. She kept on telling me to work but I would simply hum and nod in reply but continue admiring her. That carried on the whole day until the end of 4th period. In English Holly was asked to write something on the board so she walked over there but as she walked I noticed her hips swaying and her ass looked fucking amazing. And her figure is amazing holy fuck. When she sat back next to me I leant over and whispered "You make it so hard to control myself." She bit her lip and smirked at me before replying "Patience babe." She focused back on the work for the remaining time of the lesson. When the bell went we gathered up our stuff then walked out hand in hand. I lead us to a closet next to our class room knowing people would all be at the canteen and shut the door. She looked confused yet amused. I stepped closer to her and started to kiss her. I took off her hoodie as she pulled off my jumper. I started to pull off her top when someone opened the door. We pulled away instantly and stood awkwardly as Rachel stepped in. She scoffed at us then started putting something behind some files and then left abruptly. We looked at each other and let out a sigh before shrugging and continuing from where we left off. We took off each other's tops as I pinned her to the wall. We pulled off each other's jeans and ran our hands over each other's body. I slowly ran my hands up and down her body as she in hooked my bra. She bit my lip as I crept my hand into her pants and started to pump. She gripped onto my shoulders hard when I started to pump in & out. She leant in and kissed my neck as I started to rub her clit. She was getting close, she was starting to moan rather loudly. I knew we were okay because all the teachers go to the staff room at lunch which is on the other side of the school. I could feel her tightening around my fingers and just as she was about to reach her climax. The door burst open...

Ally jumped in front of us and wrapped her arms around us. I pulled my hand out instantly. Holly looked furious and spat at her sister "Ally what the fuck? Can't you see we're in the middle of something!???!" Ally was scanning the room as she replied panicked "Yes I can see, everyone can too." What? Confusion stuck our faces as Ally looked as if she'd found something. She faced us to the opposite side of the room then swiped away some files and pulled something out. A camera. "See?!" Ally said with worry. As she tried to turn it off I knew instantly. "Rachel..." They both looked at me with confusion before I added "She planted it earlier." Both there faces dropped. I snatched the camera out of Ally's hand and threw it on the floor before stomping on it. Me and Holly started to put our clothes back on as Ally explained "In the canteen, on the big screen, there was footage of you two fucking. I was helping out a teacher so I only went into canteen a few minuets ago. When I saw it and everyone cheering and laughing I noticed English text books in the background so I ran straight here. Stevie's waiting outside." By the time she had finished we were fully clothed. Holly burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered "Baby shhh it's okay. Fuck I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I should've left it." Holly shook her head as she replied "No it takes two people to fuck. This isn't your fault." She held me tightly as I rubbed her back.

Once she had calmed down I lead us out of the closet and held onto her waist tightly as people walked past wolf whistling and staring. I could feel her shaking in my arm and it was breaking my heart. I quickly spun her against a locker and said "I'm not going to let you go through this okay? I love you so much. Don't stop me." I walked to the center of the hall and shouted "Hey everyone! I'm sure you've all seen the footage by now. We didn't know that camera was there so if you have anything to say, say it to my face not Holly's. Point at me, not her okay? Or else." I turned back to Holly and grabbed her hand dragging her away with me. We got into Maths and the first thing people did when we entered was clap. We didn't understand why they were clapping until they all started to chant 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' We looked at each other and did as they asked. When we pulled away they cheered. Holly spoke up "Why are you all cheering?" Robbie, the captain of the rugby team, stood up and said "Because everyone knows that some Rachel girl from the year below put that camera there. People only laughed because they thought you were making a sex tape. Then Alexis went and fought back telling everyone to leave you alone and just punish her. That's love right there." Everyone clapped again. So we just got humiliated yet people love us now? I lead us to our seats as I said "Um thank you." The smiled at us then everyone got ready for maths.

By the end of the day the whole school had turned against Rachel. Everything has changed. The entirety of this school love us? What's happening? We got in the car and drove back home. We walked in the house giggling and kissing and as we were about to run upstairs Ma came out the kitchen with an unfamiliar woman in a police suit. "Girls this is Officer Beason." We smiled at her as she scanned us both. She turned to me then said "Alexis?" I nodded slowly. Ma looked worried and Holly confused. "I need to ask you a few questions." I started to nod and take off my jacket when she said "No. Not here. I need you to come with me to the station." I slipped my jacket back on then added "Okay let's go." Holly intertwined our fingers then started to walk with me toward the door when Officer said "Actually i think it's best if this young lady stays here. For confidential reasons..." Holly looked just as scared as I did but I couldn't have her worrying so I simply have her hand a squeeze them said softly "It's okay, I've got this. I'll be call you when I can okay?" She nodded and hugged me tightly. I pulled away and gave her a quick kiss before heading off with the officer. I got in her car and sat in silence as she drove away. Well this is going to be interesting.

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