Chapter 14

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Lexi's POV

So the next day, I was awoken to see an empty space next to me. I pulled on a bra, top and some shorts before heading down stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Ma talking to some girl I had never seen before. I walked towards the cupboard and got out some cereal and a bowl before giving Ma a kiss on the cheek which surprised her considering I had never done so before but she simply smiled at me brightly. After putting in the milk I started to eat as Ma said "Morning sweetheart, sleep well?" after finishing my mouth full I stopped and said "Yes very, did you?" She nodded as I continued "Do you know where Holly is, she wasn't in bed this morning." The girl looked like she had just understood something as Ma replied "Yes, she's helping Ally get ready." I nodded then turned to the girl putting my hand out for her to shake as I said "Nice to meet you, I'm Alexis who might you be?" she shook my hand and replied quietly "Um I'm Stevie." she seemed shy but cute. I wonder if she's into girls... Just then Ally came down the stairs. She bent over to get her shoes and I noticed Stevie's eyes fall to her ass. They were glued. I ran into the hall and pulled Ally with me and said quickly "Stevie just checked you out, I don't know how you know each other but this is your chance, she seems like a nice person and I think you gotta take a chance. Try be as charming as possible. I know it's soon but it's worth it don't you think?" She nodded then went back in the kitchen. I followed and the next thing I knew someone had jumped on my back. My someone. I giggled at her before dropping her and turning around to face her. We leant in and kissed ever so softly and said as we pulled away "I missed you." We started to giggle at each other and kissed again before walking to the the kitchen table. As we sat down Stevie headed toward Ally and said "You look amazing." Ally smiled and said awkwardly "Thanks aha, you're not so bad yourself." Stevie had her back facing to us so I gestured to Ally to put her arm around Stevie's waist. She did as I said and slid her hand around her waist. Stevie rubbed Ally's back then put her arm around her before saying "You ready to go?" Ally nodded and looked at me one last time to which I gestured for her to hold her hand so she did as I said again and lead her to the front door before saying "See you guys later!" She shut the door then lead her to the car. They got in then drove off.

"I see you've set her up already?" Holly asked softly. I chuckled and nodded before kissing her softly. Ma took a picture of us but we couldn't care less I just wanted to cherish the moments I still have. I pulled away then buried my face in her neck as she ran her fingers through my hair. I held onto her tightly as she talked to her mum. After a while Ma spoke up clearly "Holly, can I make a request?" I felt Hol nod her head and she continued "Don't let go of this one. Whenever she's near you, I see the happiest girl in the world. That's worth keeping because once you find that you don't find it again. At least not the same way. Please just stay like this. Forever. I would love a third daughter." I pulled away from Holly and gave Ma a big hug as I said "Don't worry I aim to stick around for a long time... Ma." Her face lit up at my words and squeezed my cheeks before bringing Holly in for a group hug. Ma kissed both our heads before saying "All we need now is Ally to go out with Stevie then I've got my perfect family!" We laughed at her and nodded in agreement. I don't need a father, I have a perfectly good mum here and another back home but she knows where to go to see me. Gosh I love this family. My family.

We spent the day unpacking my stuff and choosing what I keep and what I bin. Holly got rid of some of her own clothes because she said that I shouldn't be the only one to make sacrifices even though I begged her not to. Ma helped us as well, trying to help us create space to put my stuff. Once we had finished we sat in the lounge and played a few games of monopoly. Ma got out a bottle of cava and we started to drink as we played. We laughed for hours on end telling funny stories. Around 9pm Ally called to ask if Stevie could stay the night and when Ma said yes, she said she would buy us all fish and chips on their way back. Holly was getting quite tipsy and yet she was still so beautiful and I get to call her mine. Half an hour after Ally called she walked in with 5 boxes of fish & chips- as promised and was giggling with Stevie. Holly's face lit up and she ran to the food saying "Food!!" I laughed at her then sat back on the sofa as I admired her. She turned around with my box in her hands as well but stopped in her tracks. "What are you looking at?" She slurred at me as she looked me up and down. I smiled at her brightly before saying "The view." She furrowed her eyebrows and replied as she took a few more steps toward me "What's the view?" Ma, Ally and Stevie turned to look at us as I said in a soft tone "You're the view." A big smile spread across her face as she set the food down on the table next to me. She then got onto the sofa and crawled between my legs and hugged me. I held her and gave her a squeeze as Stevie said to Ally "I can't wait to have what they have." Ally looked into her eyes and nodded in agreement. I winked at Ally which caused her to blush so I turned my attention back to Holly. I pulled her head up and whispered "Cmon darling lets get some food into our system." She nodded and kissed me softly before passing me a box. She sat in between my legs and lay back on my chest so I could eat and run my fingers through her hair. This is the dream.

Once we had finished eating Ma was sitting in the arm chair, Me and Holly were cuddling on the sofa and Ally and Stevie were sitting next to each other on the floor flirting a bit. Me and Hol started to make out on the sofa so the others decided to go to bed. We stayed down stairs for a few minuets more then took ourselves to bed. I intertwined our fingers as I lead her upstairs. As we went past Ally's room I looked in to see Ally and Stevie cuddled up as Al ran her fingers through Stevie's hair. We kept on walking and headed to our room as we stripped down until we were naked. Hol approached me slowly and snaked her arms around my waist and leant in as she whispered "Look" She turned to face Ally's room so I copied to see Stevie slowly lean in and kiss Al. At first Ally looked motionless but after a moment or so she kissed back. We looked back at each other as I whispered "We did it." Holly pulled me into her embrace before replying quietly "No, you did it."she pulled her head out of my neck and kissed me softly. I walked us toward the bed and lifted her up and in before following still keeping our lips touching. We held each other underneath the covers as we kissed. That's all we did tonight, no fucking just kissing, and it was so perfect. I sleep so easily when we're in each other's embrace. It's like a dream come true.

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