My new 'home'

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"So, when were you planning on coming, (Y/N)?" Wilford asks. "Now would be fine, I guess." You look at Sean. He looks back in disbelief. "The sooner I leave, the sooner we're both safe. He sighed. You give him a big hug, that you didn't want to end. You wanted to stay right there. But you knew you couldn't. "Alright, then, Dark, Anti-" They teleported away as soon as they heard their names. Wilford sighed. "I guess we're driving. Oh, and it's kind of a long drive, so feel free to doze off." You nod, and let go of your brother. "Love you, bro." You say. "Love you too, stay safe." He replied. You get in the car with Warfsache. "All buckled up?" He asks. You look at Wilford like he thinks you're a two year old. "Just checking." He says, starting the car. After about half an hour, Wilford tries to get you to talk to him. "So, uh, you knew my name?" He asks. Yeah, you're actually my favorite of Mark's alter egos." You told him honestly. "Why is that?" You knew he was blushing. "I don't know exactly why, but I guess I just like your personality. You just aren't scared of anything." You reply. "Heh, well, Wilford Warfsache don't take no sh#t from nobody." He said proudly. You giggle. That is the one quote that always makes your day. After about ten minutes of talking, you start to fall asleep. Before you know it, you wake up in a big room, with only the bed you're sleeping on, in it. You get out of the bed, and quietly walk downstairs.
"Oh, you're awake! Can I get you anything?" Wilford asks you. "No thank you. I'm just not used to waking up to silence." You tell him sadly. "Oh, I see... do you want to sit down?" He asks again. You smile, and sit next to him. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry about all of this, but it was ether this, or you and Jack died. If it were my decision, you and Jack would be together right now. But, just doing this has put Dark and Anti in a bad mood." He explained. "Well, as long as it keeps my big brother safe..." You felt tears running down your cheeks. "Hey, don't cry, please. You and Jack are going to be okay. I promise." Wilford said, hugging you. You start to calm down. "That's a weird thing to promise." You tell him. "As long as I live, I will keep that promise. You know why?" You smiled. "Wilford Warfsache don't take no sh#t from nobody!" He said, cross-eyed. You began laughing, and Wilford smiled. You started to feel like this place wouldn't be to bad.
"SHUT THE F#CK UP, WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Anti yelled from somewhere upstairs. That just made you laugh even harder. Wilford joined in. But we stopped as soon as Anti had teleported into the room. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "Now, Anti, that hardly seems necessary-" Wilford began. "Oh, really? Well, I think it's very necessary for me to hurt her." Anti interrupted. "Well then," Wilford said, picking up his top hat. "I guess you wouldn't mind Jack coming over, would you?" He continued, walking towards the door. Anti sighed and put you down. "That's what I thought. Do you have anything to say to (Y/N)?" He asks. "Yeah, shut up." He said confidently. Without another word, he teleported out of the room. "He's even worse than Dark. And Dark is a real jerk most of the time." Wilford complained. Dark then walked into the room. "May I sit?" He asked you. You didn't say anything, so you moved next to Wilford, still processing what had just happened with Anti. You look up at Dark, and he seemed suprised that you didn't just leave the room. "Looks like you have an admirer, Warfsache." Dark said. You are still staring at Dark, and he noticed. You quickly look away, and sit closer to Wilford. Wilford puts his arm around you, and you feel less scared. You look up at him, and realize how much taller they all are compared to you. Sure you're 24, but still, they're a lot taller than you.
"So, (Y/N), how do ya feel 'bout all this?" Dark asks casually. "I-um-" You start to cry. "God, I didn't- I shouldn't have brought it up. Don't cry, please-" You look up at Dark, Wilford's arm still around you, and see Dark's worried expression. Though he had red eyes, and razor sharp teeth, he still had Mark's charm. You tried to stop crying, and you did. "And, sorry 'bout last night. We-" You gave Dark a hug. He hesitated, but hugged you back. Wilford smiled. "I assume he's forgiven?" He asked. You gave a small nod. Dark blushed a deep shade of red. "Thanks, (Y/N)." You look up at Dark and smile. "You apologized. That's good enough for me." You tell him. You look into the dark kitchen, and see a pair of glowing eyes staring at you. The figure smiles, then dissappears. It reminds you of Shadow Bonnie from Five Night's At Freddy's 2. You decide it's just your imagination. Most of the day, you were talking with Wilford and Dark, but you decide to go to bed.
"But it's only 11:45 pm." Dark whined. "I think it's about time we all went to bed." Wilford told us. "But I'm not tired!" Dark protested. Wilford glared. "Fine." He pouted. You giggled at his behavior. "Night, (Y/N)!" They both called. "Good night!" You called back.
You closed the door, but felt like someone was watching you. Paranoid, you look around the room. Not finding anything, you decide to go back to bed. You turn around, to meet a pair of glowing eyes. "Looking for me?" They said. In a moment of panic, you turned on the lights. "Ow, what the hell?!" The figure looked like Dark, but as a shadow, and with pure white eyes. He turned the lights back off. "Why did you do that?!" He yells. "Why were you in my room?!" You yell back. "I have the right too meet our new house guest! A.k.a. you. The names Shadowplier. I assume you're (Y/N)?" You nod. "You're not gonna shake my hand?!" He yells. "I kinda can't see it." You tell him. "Oh, right. Sorry." He said. "It's fine, but can we get introduced in the morning?" You ask. "Sure, why not."

(DISCONTINUED)Forbidden Love (Antisepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now