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A/n: In really important moments, like this one, there will be different povs. (Point of views) And, a few new characters will be introduced within the next few chapters. Enjoy!
"Welp, I'm going back to bed." Anti said, teleporting out of the room. You and Dark were just talking after he left. "Dark, where's Wilford?" You ask him. "What? You mean Warfsache isn't back yet? Mark must be recording with him or something." Dark says. "Oh, and Google, Glitch, and Shadow are staying with us for a while." He added. "Wait, Shadow is staying here too?" Glitch asks, sitting next to Dark. "At least Shadow is actually useful." Dark told him. "Wait, you two are never apart... Glitch, where's-" SPLASH! Google had dumped a bucket of water on Dark. They both ran away, laughing. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU TWO!" Dark shouted, chasing them. You heard laughter from behind you. "They got Dark good. Too bad Dark was being serious about killing them." Shadow said, sitting down next to you. Glitch and Google ran past the TV. "We're sorry, Dark!" Google shouted. "Sh#t, sh#t, sh#t!" Glitch yells. Dark is still chasing them, his eyes literally glowing with anger. "Is this what Dark's like when he's mad?" You ask Shadow. "Nah, he's barely mad right now. But you don't want to find out what he's like when he is mad." Shadow says.

*Time skip brought to you by my good friend, GalaxyQueenShadowolf

It's been a few hours, and Dark was still chasing Google and Glitch around the house. Anti had been watching with you and Shadow. You hear the front door open. "Sorry, but Mark just had to make me late." Wilford says. "Where's Dark?" Google ran past Wilford, and Glitch ran into him, knocking them both to the ground. Wilford got up, and helped Glitch get up. "Why are you two-" Wilford began. Dark ran into the two of them, leaving you, Anti, Google, and Shadow laughing to death. Dark was still wet and his eyes were still glowing. Glitch hid behind Google, and Google hid behind you. "Glitch, did you give Google another virus?" Wilford asks him. "Maaaaybe." He says. Anti gave Google an anti virus, (Pun intended) and Google went back to his normal, serious self. Google walked into the kitchen, ignoring everyone. Dark and Anti teleported away, leaving you, Shadow, Glitch, and Wilford in the room.

You hear the door bell ring. Wilford opens the door, and picks up a small package. "Uh, Wilford, you should put that down." You say to him. He does as you say. As soon as the box hit the floor, a man came out of it. "Hi!" He said in a cheerful voice. You can hear Google groan from the kitchen. Wilford, Glitch, and Shadow stared in shock. "Hey, y/n! How are ya?" He says. "Good, how are you?" You say. "Meh, could be better." He replies. "Oh, I'm guessing Google hasn't told them about me? Figures. I'm Bingsepticeye!" He says. Anti teleports down when Bing said his name. "BING?!" He yells. "Anti!" Bing says. The two hugged each other. "It's been so long, bro! How are you?" Bing says to his brother. "I'm great! How's Jack-glitch?" Anti asks. "He's fine-" "THERE'S A JACK-GLITCH?!" Glitch screams. "Yeah, he's eight years old. I assume you're Glitch?" Bing says. "GOOGLE! GET OUT HERE!" Glitch yells. You hear Bing and Google moan. You and Anti facepalm. Google walkes over to Bing. "Hey, buddy!" Bing says sarcastically. Google rolls his eyes. "Greetings, Bing." He says. Wilford finnaly starts talking. "Well, this was... unexpected. Bing, how do you know y/n?" He asks. "I was the only alter ego that Jack let y/n talk to, before Jack-glitch. Although, I don't know why." Bing says. Dark finnaly appered. "Bing?" "Hey, Dark!" After talking with Bing for a while, you had decided to go to bed.

"Hey, y/n?" Shadow calls. "Can I sleep in your room tonight?" He asks. "Not in your bed, of course. Just in your room" You hesitate, but say yes. Shadow makes an air mattress appear and puts it on the floor. Both of you soon fall asleep.

"Y/n, wake up." You hear Wilford whisper. You slowly open your eyes. "Did you forget about our date?" He says. You smile. "Wilford?" You ask. "Yes?" He replies. You take his top hat and put it on your head. "Got your hat." You get up and run downstairs. "Hey!" You hear him yell. Bing and Anti are sitting on the couch talking. You sit between them. "Is that Warfsache's hat?" Anti asks. You nod, and Bing chuckles. Google walks by, and you put the hat on his head. He puts it on Bings head, Bing puts it on Anti's head, and Anti puts it on Glitch's head. Wilford tries to tackle Glitch in an attempt to get his hat back, but Glitch dodges it and ran away, still wearing the top hat. As Glitch ran by, he put the hat back on your head, before Wilford tackled him. Wilford got off of Glitch, and grabbed his hat from you. "Well, y/n and I should get going." Wilford says, and you nod. After you get dressed, you and Wilford leave.

(Anti pov)
Wilford and y/n just left, leaving me, Dark, Google, Bing, Shadow, and Glitch. "Whaddaya think they're doing?" Dark asked. Google was about to say something, but Bing beat him to it. "A date." "A DATE?!" Dark and I screamed. "I was going to say that..." Google grumbled. Google and Bing left the room. "Sabotage?" Dark asked. "Sabotage." I smerked. "Did you two just say sabotage?" Glitch asked.

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