Talking with Anti

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Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the night. You just talked with everyone.
The next day...
You yawn, and get out of bed. You walk downstairs to see Anti sitting on the couch, watching a cop show. You decide to watch with him. "Hey." You say to him. He ignores you. "Good morning, Anti." You say louder. "What's so good about it? And keep yer voice down. I don't wanna deal with an angry Dark." He says, still not looking at you. "Well your attitude's changed." You tell him. "What, I can't be happy on Christmas because I'm a demon?!" He snapped. "I never said that!!!" You snap back. "SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!" You hear Dark yell from his and Anti's room. "Nice going. Ya made him mad." Anti says. "You started it." You mumble under your breath. "Soooooo, whatcha watching?" You ask him. "None of your business." He says sternly. "What time is it?" You ask. "Time for you to get a watch. 6:30 am." Anti tells you. "Ha ha, very funny. Where's Wilford, btw?"
"Work." Anti answers simply. "Someone's gotta make a living in this household, right?" He adds. "Yeah, I guess." You tell him. "Hey, wanna play GTA 5?" You ask Anti. "No, Shadow might want to though." Anti says. "He didn't leave?" You ask. "Not yet. He usually sticks around for a few days." Anti replys. "Oh, well, do you know where he is?" "No idea. He could be anywhere. In the kitchen, stalking Dark-" "Wait, wait. Did you say, 'stalking' Dark?" You ask. "Yeah, he's creepy like that. Then again, so are Dark and I." He says smiling. "Why are your and Dark's teeth so sharp?" "Why the f#ck should I know?! If anyone, Dark would know. Not me." He says.
"Okay, okay, I was just asking." You apologize. "Whatever." He shrugs. "Alright then, groucho." You say smerking. "Don't call me that, (Y/N)." He says sternly. "Alright, alright."

(DISCONTINUED)Forbidden Love (Antisepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now