An Important Question

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As soon as everyone has their food, they ether start eating, or talking. You were talking to Wilford about your favorite video games. You glance at Mark and Sean. Mark glances back. He looks at you weirdly. You go back to your conversation with Wilford, Mark still looking at you. Dark was on the opposite side of you, talking to Switch. After about 10 minutes, you tell everyone that you're going outside for a little. You open the door, a cold breese hits your face. "What the f#ck even is this stuff?" You hear Anti say. "Snow." You answer, walking over. "Never heard of it. It's cold though, isn't it." He says, not looking at you. "Always has been." You tell him.
"Heh. Probably. Never had it here, in Raspy hill though." He replies. You were in RASPY HILL?! Well that's kinda where they live, so, yeah. "Sorry 'bout that whole... 'thing' that happened." He says, finnaly looking at you. "Oh, it's um, fine, I guess." You tell him. "... and about trying to, you know, kill you." "It's fine, Anti. But you should apologize to Sean too." You tell him. "Yeah... I'll go do that." He says, walking back in. "Seems like Anti is warming up to you." Wilford says. "I guess he is." You tell him. "I want to ask you something, (Y/N)." He tells you.
"Yeah?" You ask. "Will you grant me the plesure of taking you on a date?" (Will you go on a date with me?) He asks you. "Of course, Wilford!" You tell him, blushing. His eyes light up. "I say, it is quite cold out here. Want to go back inside?" He says casually. "But of course." You say, mocking the fancy way he was talking. "HEY!" He yells. You hold back your laughter. "Let me guess- 'WILFORD WARFSACHE DON'T TAKE NO SH#T FROM NOBODY!!!' " You mock again. His expression softens. "You guessed it." He says smiling.

A/n: sorry about the short chapter, but I am very lazy. I'll update at least every few days. And also...
PLOT TWIST!!! Wilford asked you out! But srsly, I'll try to update tomorrow. See ya!

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