Question 1

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Me: Wilford, you have the first question.
Wilford: "Alright, what is it?"
Me: itzzheidi asks: Even though your scared of Anti and Dark when they are angry, how do you stay calm and handle the situation?
Wilford: "I guess I stay calm by knowing that even though they are demons, they couldn't find it in their hearts to hurt me. It depends on the situation, though. If they're trying to kidnap someone, for me, it's pretty easy to keep calm. But if they're on like, a murder spree, (which has happened) I somehow manage to stay calm, and calm them down. I hope that answers your question!"
Me: Very long answer, Wilford.
Wilford: "I don't know how else to explain it."
Me: Dude, you could've just answered it in the first sentence! Anyway, keep those questions coming! And, stay awesome! See you next time!
Wilford: "Buh-bye!"

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