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A/n: I'm starting to run out of ideas for the story, so feel free to comment some for me. I would really appreciate it! This is just basically the personalities of the characters so far. (Only the main ones.)
Y/n: (Insert your personality here)
Wilford Warfsache:
Hobby/job: reporter.
Secret: He has a HUGE crush on you. Wilford: (blushes) "Wha? N-no I don't!" Me: Whatever, dude.
Fears: Spiders, Dark and Anti when they're angry. (I would be, too)
He is the guy that keeps Dark and Anti out of trouble. (As in: keeps them from killing people, come on, they're demons) He was Mark first alternate personality, followed by his little brother, Dark. He and Mark are technically brothers.
Relationships: Dark (Brother/friend), Anti (Friend), the Ipliers (brothers/ friends), You (crush/friend), Mark (Brother/friend)
Famous quotes: "Wilford Warfsache don't take no sh#t from nobody!" And, "It was an accident, I swear."
Outfits: (I have pictures above)
Fav color: Wilford: "PINK!" Me: How did I know.

Hobby/job: No job and- Dark: "Is killing people a hobby?" Me: DARK! WTF?! Dark: "What?" Me: (Sighs) Never mind.
Secret: He usually wants nothing to do with anyone. He started being more open to people when you showed up. He might have a little (or big) crush on you. Dark: "Hey." Me: You haven't left yet? Darn. Whaddya want? Dark: "F#ck you." Me: Get the f#ck out, Dark.
Fears: Anti, when he's angry. Me: He's scared of the dark Dark: "I f#cking hate you." Me: Hate you too!
He is the second oldest of the Ipliers, and finds them extremely annoying.
Relationships: Wilford (Older brother/ friend), Anti (Best friend), the Ipliers (Brothers/annoying people he has to put up with, multiple times a year), Mark ('brother'/ goodie two shoes) You (friend/crush?)
Famous quotes: "I don't quite feel like myself... I've been having strange dreams lately..." and "Welcome to raspy hill, enjoy your stay."
Outfit: A black shirt, with a crimson 'D' on it, and a pair of torn up jeans.
Fav color: Red, obviously!

Hobby/job: He's a master chef. Has no job. Anti: "..."
Secret: Me: I'm not telling you! HAH! Anti: (Thinking) F#cking good.
Fears: Dark when he's angry. Anti: "What?! Have you seen Dark angry?! He goes f#cking INSANE!" Me: True that.
He's usually the more social one. Although he isn't very energetic, or has a very good sense of humor, he can be a real sweetheart. Anti: (Blushes) "Shut up."
Relationships: Dark (Best friend), Wilford (Friend), the Ipliers (Friends), Sean/Jack (Enemy), Jack-glitch (Little brother/friend), You Me: Anti would kill me if I said anything. (???)
Famous quotes: (He's kinda fan made, sooo)
Fav color: Me: Green I think.

A/n: Again, please feel free to give me suggestions for the story. Maybe for your and Wilford's date. I will read most, if not all, comments. Also, feel free to ask questions, I'll try to answer them A.S.A.P. Stay awesome!

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