The Plan (Pt. 1)

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Your pov
You pick up the menu and see (favorite meal) is on it, so you decide to get that. You look at Wilford, and he seems like he can't decide on what to get. "You need any help?" You ask. "No, no. I'm fine." He replies, still looking at the menu. "I guess I'll get (Your favorite meal)." He sighs. "That's what I'm getting, actually." You tell him. "What a coincidence!" He laughs. A waiter walks up to the table you and Wilford are at. She looks somewhat familiar...
Glitch pov (Before the waiter walks up to the table)
"Why do I have to be a girl?!" I whine. (I have nothing against girls, heck, I am a girl) "Because it would be unexpected." Bing says, holding Google's hand. "And you are the youngest one here." Google adds. "Screw you guys, I am not putting a f#cking dress on!" I say, flipping them off. "Someone's a chicken!" Shadow mocks. Google starts making chicken sounds, and Dark and Anti start laughing like crazy. "You know what? Fine! I am not a chicken!" I declare. Dark hands me a waiters dress, and points towards the bathroom. "Go and change, then." He says, smerking. "I hate you, Dark." I say. "Hate you too!" He replies, happily. I walk into the bathroom, holding the waiters dress Dark gave me.
*After about 15 minutes*
Anti pov
"Glitch, hurry up!" I hear Dark yell. "Is he really doing this, or did he lock himself in the bathroom?" I ask. "Knowing him, he could've done both." Google says. "True that." Shadow agrees. "I don't think he's that stupid." Bing says, still holding Google's hand. Google glances at the hand that Bing is holding, and smiles a bit. "Introducing the new and improved Glitch!" Dark exclames. He's wearing high heels, his waiters dress, some very well applied make-up, and a wig. He still glitched every now and then. "I. Hate. My. Life." He says, in a high pitched voice. We all burst into laughter. "Why do I have to wear heels again?! They're so uncomfortable!!!" He whines in his normal voice, making everyone laugh even harder. "You try standing in these things!" He shouts. "I'm good." Shadow says, still laughing. "No, thank you." Google and Bing say, at the exact same time. "What're you waiting for? Go!" Dark demands. "Alright, alright." Glitch says, and teleports to (your favorite restaurant).
A/n: Okay, sorry I haven't updated for such a long time, but I'll try to update most, if not, all of my storys today, because I am forever alone. On a completely unrelated topic, yes, I am a girl, and you can still ask questions in the comments, I'll try to answer them, and I think that's about it. Buh-bye!

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