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Dark pov
"Did you two say sabotage?" Glitch asks. I sighed. "Yes." I told him. "GOOGLE!" He shouted. Google walked in, Bing grabbing at one of his hands, probably trying to annoy him. "What?" He asks, clearly disgusted by Bing. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT?!" He yelled at Bing. He smiled goofily and said, "Nope!" And grabbed Google's hand. "Dark and Anti are planning a sabotage!" Glitch continued. "And why should I care?" Google asked. "Oh, right." Glitch said, and sent a virus at Google. "What're we waiting for? Let's get started!" He said happily.
Wilford pov
God, I hope she likes me. I really hope she likes me. I am not going to deal with any sh#t tonight. I think. "Something on your mind?" Y/n asked. "Not really, no." I lie. Geez, Wilford. And you thought Glitch was bad at lying. I think. "Okay, you just seemed a little distracted." She said.
Time skip, y/n pov
You and Wilford walked in, acting like normal people. He was wearing a pink tuxedo, and you were wearing a (f/c) dress. "Table for two, please." Wilford told the man at the counter. "Right this way." He said, leading you and Wilford to an empty table. You look around and see dark, light, and glitch versions of different YouTubers. You saw PewDarkPie, Lightsepticeye, and lots more. "Hey, Wilf, who's this?" PewDarkPie asks from a nearby table. "Y/n, my date." He answers. "Y/n, huh? I'm PewDarkPie, if you didn't already know." He tells you, holding out his hand. You shake his hand. "Well, I'd better get going. Good luck on the date." He says, walking away. "Wilf, huh?" You teased. "I gotta have at least one nickname." He says.
A/n: I keep writing cliffhangers. I'm the worst. 😈

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