Question 2

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Me: Wilford, this question is also for you.
Wilford: "You know you can ask other people questions, right?"😅
Me: I'm pretty sure they know that. mkmills12 asks: Wilford, has Anti ever switch bladed you in the back?
Wilford: Yep. But, to be honest, it was kinda funny. Because, this was when Dark first introduced Anti to the Ipliers, and we had all just got our own body's, so we were still sensitive. So, when he did, I didn't get hurt, Mark didn't get hurt, Dark didn't get hurt, but the Ipliers... they did. Dark was literally rolling on the floor laughing."
Dark: "It was funny!"
Wilford: "Of course, I got the wound, but the Ipliers got hurt. Even Google. Glitch always punches whoever brings it up when we mention it in front of him."
Me: Another long answer. Alright, see ya next time, and stay awesome!
Wilford: "Bye!"

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