The iplier Christmas party

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"Are you going to just sit there?" You ask Shadow. "I've got nothing better to do." He replies simply. "Besides, the iplier Christmas party is on Christmas eve." You give him a confused look. "I always come a day or two early to help decorate. Gotta make myself useful at least once a year." He winked. "So, you don't live here?" You ask him. "Nah, but the guys don't mind if I hang out sometimes. And by 'the guys' I mean Wilford and Anti. Dark never really showed any interest in the other iplers." He tells you. You two talk for about two hours, then you both pass out, you on the bed, and him on the floor.
"GET UP!!!" The loud scream scared you, and you accidentally punch someone in the face. "OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" You hear Anti scream. "Why, you little-" He begins. "Anti, what did I say?" You hear Wilford say. Anti sighed. "So, why did you wake me up?" You ask him. "The ipliers are coming over tonight for the party. Wilford, Dark, and Shadow are working on the decorations, so I gotta look after you for some of the day." He tells you. "How many ipliers are their?" "I dunno, 'bout 9, not including Mark, Dark, and Wilford. And your brother's coming, too." "So that means, we need to get like, 13 presents!" You say. You push Anti out of the room, get dressed, and drag him out the front door. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" Anti whined. "Because I don't have any money, and you are supposed to look after me. "But, we don't have a car." He protested. "We both have feet, Anti." You tell him. He sighed in defeat. You two spent most of the day buying and wrapping presents. "Who's this for?" Anti asks, examining a new laptop. "Author." You say simply. "Right, right."
A few hours later...
"(Y/N)! ANTI! EVERYONE'S HERE!" Dark yells. You hear lots of voices, they all sound like Mark. "Should we go down?" You say, slipping on an ugly Christmas sweater. "Yeah, why not." Anti says, also putting a sweater on. You both walk downstairs. "There you are! I assume you know who we are?" A Mark said smiling, with a grumpy version of Mark. "Of course, you're Glitchipler, and that's Googleplier!" You reply. "You got us right! You must be (Y/N) then?" Glitch asks. You nod at him, and give him a friendly smile. "Me next, me next!" "You're Authorplier." You say. "SHE'S RIGHT! SHE KNOWS MY NAME!" He says, with tears in his eyes. You giggle a bit. Now you knew four out of nine of the ipliers. (One of them is Shadow) You then meet Fire, Ice, switch, shock, and light. Anti looks confused. "Where are Mark and Sean?" You ask Glitch. "Oh, Warfsache went to pick them up." He explains. All of you sit down at a huge table. OH! Before we forget, Anti and I got all of you presents!" You yell. Anti glares at you, while the rest of the ipliers start yelling with joy. You hand out the presents, and put Mark's, Sean's, and Wilford's aside. You give one to Anti, and he stares in shock. Author opens his up first. He lights up. "I LOVE IT!!!" He yelled across the table. He chucked his typewriter behind him, and begins to type on his laptop. The others smiled, and opened theirs. Google was the last iplier to open his. He ripped the wrapping paper off, got up, and walked over to you. He picks you up. You expect to be thrown across the room or something, but, he hugs you instead. "Thank you." He said in his robotic voice. He smiled and walked back to his seat. "Aww. Soo cute." Glitch said. Google shot him a look, and everyone started laughing. "So, who owns this place?" You ask, trying to start a conversation. They all look at Anti. "I do..." He said. "Really? Because it seems more like Wilford is in charge than you." You say. "Oh, snap! Anti, you just got served." Fire said. "HEY! When Wilford isn't here, I'm in charge! Got it?!" Anti yelled. "Cool down there, Anti." Ice said. Author was furiously typing on his laptop.
Anti growled. "I'm. In. Charge." He said, his eyes glowing. "Prove it." You say confidently. "By doing something you would never do in front of Wilford." You cross your arms. He picks you up by the collar of your sweater, with both hands. His eyes are glowing, and he is smiling. You are not going to look away. He closed his eyes, and pulls you in. You feel his lips touch yours. He was... kissing you? Why? Your eyes widen to find yourself kissing back. He drops you, his face a deep shade of red, yours a bright shade of pink. "I- um-" He sounds like he is at a loss for words. You can't blame him, you are too. "I'm going up to my room." He finnaly says. He quickly walks upstairs, being followed by Dark. The ipliers are all staring at you. Ice and Fire still processing what happened, Glitch, Google, and Spark silently whispering, Author still typing, and Switch staring at you, and Light thinking. "Well that happened." Switch said. "Let's just forget about it, and get back on track." "(Y/N)? Can I talk to you in private please?" Light asks. You nod, and go into an empty room. "Anti kissed you, correct?" You nod. "You kissed back?" You hesitate, but nod.  "This was, unexpected, wasn't it?" You nod for the third time. "You... enjoyed it?" You shake your head. "We both know you're lying." He said. You look down on the floor. "Here's my gift." Light hands you mistletoe. "It will work only once, use it wisely." He says winking. "I will." You tell him.
"(Y/N)?!" That sounds like Sean. "Jack, calm down, jeez." You look at Light. "Have you ever... actually met Mark?" You ask him. "No, but I'm about to." He said calmly. You both walk out to see Sean, surrounded by the ipliers, and Mark observing Authors new laptop. "Do you like it? Jack's sis and Anti gave it to me!" Author said. "Wait, WHO?!" Sean yelled. "Your sister snd Anti. The got all of us presents, actually. I would've, but I didn't know what to get her." "Sean, Mark?" You say. Your brother runs over and gives you a big hug. "I know it has only been two days, but I've missed you so much." He said. "I missed you too!" You say. "So, (Y/N), Who's this ipler? Don't think I've met him." Mark asks casually. You look at Light. "I am Lightiplier. I prefur Light, if you don't mind. Plesure to meet you, Mark." He put out his hand. "The pleasures all mine." Mark said, shaking Light's hand. "So, (Y/N), I heard you had gifts?" Wilford asks. You hand Sean, Mark, and Wilford their gifts. They open them, and smile. "Aw, thanks kid." Wilford said, putting on his new top hat. "My old one was a bit worn down." He smiled. "Mark? Jack?" Glitch calls. "Oh, great. Here comes Glitch and Google." Mark sighed. Glitch and Google came down. "Woah, what happened? I can actually see who's Glitch without you moving or speaking." He gasped. Glitch had one red eye and one blue one, and Google had a new haircut. (The haircut Mark has on Google IRL on Mark's and Matthias's channel.) "Yep, isn't it great? It was (Y/N)'s gift to us. Now, we can look how we want! I don't think Google's ever looked this happy." Glitch told Mark. "Dinner!" Anti and Dark yelled from the kitchen.

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