Take Your Time From A Bday Boy

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Jason's pov

My princess is breastfeeding Emma and CJ is asleep. I watch her from the doorway. "Hey cowgirl, you look adorable." She looks up and smiles. I sit down beside her in the bed and put my hand under Emma's head. "She's such a beautiful baby." Miranda whispers. I smile and kiss her head. "I love you baby." I smile and kiss Emma's head too. "And I love you baby girl." Emma is asleep now so she lays her in her bassinet beside the bed then curls up beside me. "This is the life. I've got my two girls and my son. I don't know how this day could get better." I say, gladly. I close my eyes but then they flash open when I hear CJ scream. I grab my pistol and take off running. "Oh my gosh! It's Sam Hunt!" He cries. I laugh and pocket my pistol. "Hey bro what brings you here?" I ask, walking over and shaking his hand. "Hey Jason um my wife told me to give you this." He then hands me a basket of baby clothes and bottles and stuff. I smile and set it down. "Tell her I said thanks." Even though we don't need it. We're loaded. I just wanna be polite. "Sam Hunt! I'm a huge fan!" CJ gasps, making me laugh. "Ya mind?" I ask, picking my rambunctious six year old up. He chuckles. "Not at all." He takes a selfie and signs CJ's ball cap. "Thanks dude. See ya later." He nods and waves. I walk back upstairs. "Who was at the door?" "How'd ya know?" I ask, surprised. She turns around and rubs her eye. "Cause I heard ya talkin' and saying goodbye but I don't know who." "Oh just Sam, Sam Hunt." I say, smirking. She laughs. "Little fanboy." She says, crossing her arms behind her head. I lay back down beside her. "Oh I can't wait to surprise CJ with my tickets I got for him to see George Strait live." "He's gonna flip."

*one week later*

"Happy birthday son!" I say, hugging him and handing him the present meanwhile Luke sings his song fast in the background. "60 seconds now feels more like 30 tick tock won't stop And round it goes. Sand through the glass sure falls in a hurry and all ya keep tryin' to do is slow it down, soak it in, keep tryin' to make the good times last as long as ya can but ya can't! They just go too fast!" Ugh that song depresses me. Time does go by too fast! I hear CJ yell in excitement when he gets the tickets. "Oh my gosh thanks dad!" He cries, hugging me. "It's gonna be a kickass concert." I say, gladly holding onto him. I wish I could make it last. Time needs to slow down just like Luke's song says. Miranda walks over and kisses my cheek. "Where's Em?" I ask. "Fast asleep and being watched over by good ol Mr. Baby monitor." I laugh and hold her hands. "Kiss me you beautiful queen." "Gladly." She whispers, kissing me, a hand gripping around my shirt. I lean against the brick wall that is our house, my hands around her gorgeous waist. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" I flirtatiously ask. She chuckles lightly. "Only everyday you handsome devil." I smile and kiss her again. "Well you're the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of making love to." "Oh Jason!" She gasps, looking around. "Relax no one can hear us. I'll take you somewhere where no one can hear you scream!" I gasp, pretending to be scary. She laughs and holds my hand back while I try to tickle her. I call to Luke. "Hey ya mind watchin' the kids? Me and my girl are gonna get away for a bit." He laughs. "Don't rock the truck too much." He jokes. I laugh and toss him the baby monitor. I run to the truck with her hand in mine and pick her up. "We runnin' away?" She whispers as I kiss her. "And baby we ain't ever comin' back." I whisper back, sitting her in the seat. I get in the driver's side. "Where are we goin'?" "To a little spot on the edge of town." I teasingly say. She rolls her eyes. "Ok Mr. Song lyric quoter, let's get this thing started you're my kinda party." I laugh and park again to keep from wrecking. "You'll always be my kinda party."

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