Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Secret Revealed

I dropped my bag beside the door and walked up to my room.

"Come in" I answered the knocking door.

"Do you want to eat now, miss?" Noah asked.

"No" I replied "I'll wait for James and Brook"


I put my feet down and stood up to go to the bathroom then I stumbled on something. I looked down and it was my backpack. The one Marie gave me to pack a couple of things in when I was leaving.

I held it up and looked inside. There was my formal blouses that I haven't wore since I came then I opened a pocket which suppose to have my passport in, but I noticed a photo. I didn't notice it before.

I was standing with Charles and Marie and Stephan were there, we were sitting by the waterfalls. Marie must've put it there for me.

Wait...Where is the passport? I opened all the pockets and searched the bag a million times, but I couldn't find it.

"Hello, Mr.Mills" I heard Noah greet Charles from downstairs "Dinner will be ready in few minutes"

I walked downstairs hoping for an apology for yesterday's coldness. Instead of even greeting him I got straight to the point.

"Have you seen my passport, James?" I asked

"Yes" he said "There is it" he threw it on the table in front of me "I booked you a flight ticket and you're leaving in three hours"


"I have something to do and when I come back I want don't you to be here. Am I clear?" I don't understand.

"No" I said "Why?"

"Noah will take you to the airport" he turned, took his keys and left the house.

I just stood there for a few minutes. Confused. I don't know what to do. I just can't go back. How can he do this? What changed?

I ran up to my room and took my phone to call Brook.

Hey, Brook.

I tried to calm myself and not let her know that I'm crying.

Hey, Vi. Why are you crying? What happened?

Where are you?

I'm in the hospital, you know. For Sean.

Yes, after the party yesterday Sean got really sick and they took him to the hospital.

What happened?

I need to talk to you.

Okay. Call a taxi and I'll give you the address.


I wiped my tears away and changed me clothes. The taxi arrived and took me to the hospital which was only a five minutes ride.

She gave me the number and I walked the corridors to Sean's room. I knocked on the door and entered.

"Hey, Vi" Chlo said.

"Hey" I said "How are you doing now, Sean?"

"I'm better" still no thank you, I swear that guy wants to kill me.

"What happened?" Brook asked me "Why were you crying?" God! Brook, I wanted to clear my mind from that.

"It's James" and I burst out crying.

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