Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four: The Annoying Vi

Sean's P.O.V

"Vi?!" I called her "Can we talk?"

"Sorry, Sean" she replied "I have something to do with Ethan"

"But it's argent"

"Ethan's, too" she said "Are you free tonight?"


"Then I'll call you tonight"

"Come on, Vi" Ethan called her "Let's go"

"Coming" she said "I have to go" and she left me standing alone in the corridor.

"Let's go, Sean" Caden called.

"Okay" and we walked to the car together.

For the past week she had been avoiding me. Both she and Ethan come to school together and of course he drops her home. They hang out a lot with the excuse of studying Maths. Even Damien noticed it.

"What's wrong with you, guys?" Caden asked on our way to drop him.

"What's wrong with us?" I repeated "What's wrong with Ethan and Viola?"

"I know, it's so annoying" Damien huffed "They are hanging out a lot without us"

"They are acting weirdly" Caden said.

"Is that all what you noticed? They're acting weirdly?!" I cried "She doesn't want to talk to me" I said "I just need to know if she wants to go on"

"You should ask her out again" he said.

"Like she gives me any time to" I huffed.

"Just do what I do" Caden said "Ignore them for a while"

"Caden, my boyfriend is hanging out with his date" Damien cried.

"You mean Ethan may be changing his mind?!"

"You're an idiot, Caden" I laughed.

"See you tomorrow, guys" Damien said as he got out.

The ride with Caden was silent until I dropped him and headed back home. It was just me and Sky since mum was still in the company and as usual she is staying till late.

I know that dad left her a great responsibility. Not just two teenagers, but also a big company and a chain of fancy restaurants. It's hard, but sometimes I need her.

All she does is talk about the responsibility I'll be taking when I take over the company. I guess I have to think of that, too.

"Sean?!" Sky called.


"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, Sis"

"Nothing?!" She cried "I know you the best, Sean. You're not alright"

I sighed "It's just that I want to take Viola out again" I said "I want for us to work"

"Then go ahead and ask her out again"

"She is hanging out with Ethan so much"

"You're jealous of Ethan?!"

"No" she gave me that really look "Not jealous, but I just want to know if she wants to continue or not"

"Listen! Ethan is the last person to be jealous of" she said "One he's your best friend. Two he's-"

"Look! I'm gonna go" I stood up and made my way upstairs.

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