Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty: Dinner With The Stones

"What happened?" Brook asked as I sat on the table "You look grumpy"

"Just got a physics tutor" I said.

"Who?" Sky asked.

"Mr.Sean Parker" I glanced at him "I got a D for my last quiz so Mrs.Dane thought I need a tutor"

"Sean is pretty good at physics" Caden said "He's gonna help you"

"Yeah" Sean finally spoke "Like I'm ever gonna do it"

"You need to help me get an A next time so we can get done with this" I said.

"I'm not gonna be anyone's tutor"

"Then will be stuck together for the end of the year"

"Guys" Chloe said "Calm down"

"Guys" Ethan called, popping his head beside me "Have you see-" he looked up "There you are" he rushed to a boy that had just entered the cafeteria and took him away.

"Isn't tha-?" Sky started.

"I think so" Caden said "What is he doing here?"

"I thought he went away" Brook said.

"Why is Ethan in such a hurry?" I asked, but all I got was laughter so I just shuted up.

Minutes later, which passed awkwardly in laughter, Ethan sat in the chair beside mine and sighed.

"Mum is inviting you to dinner as usual, guys" he said "Today"

"Your parents are back?!" Sky cried and Ethan nodded.

"Why do you think Vi went to James?" He shrugged.

"You went to James?!" Caden cried.

"I'm confused" Chloe said "Explain that to me, please"

"Nothing" I said "I just went to talk to him and we solved it"

"Are you coming to the dinner or not?" Ethan cried.

"Of course" Sky said.

"You too, Vi?!"

"No" I said "Enough intruding. Yesterday was enough"

"Come on" he pleaded. It didn't look like it, but it sounded like it "Mum wants to see you again"

"Okay" I sighed. Not that I don't want to go, well I want. I guess I want to spend more time with Ethan to get to know him.

The day passed normally and I went home as usual with Brook. I sat in the living room watching TV until dinner time.

It was about five in the afternoon and I was sitting with Brook in the living room when Charles came back. He threw himself in the couch beside me and closed his eyes.

"A tiring day?!" Brook exclaimed, but he didn't answer.

"What's wrong, Charming?" I asked.

"What?!" It was like he had fallen asleep and I woke him "I feel a bit tired" he stood up "I'm gonna rest in my room" he walked, but then turned back to us "And don't wait for me at dinner"

"Mrs.Stone invited us on dinner" Brook said.

"Okay" he said "Enjoy"

"You sure you're alright?!" I said and he turned around "We can stay with you if you feel sick"

He smiled "I'm gonna be fine" and walked away.

"You sure we can leave him?!" I exclaimed

"Don't worry about James" she said "He knows when to ask for help" she stood up "Now, get ready because we don't want to be late"

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