Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six: He's Not

He laughed and his laughter echoed through the corridor.

"What's the funny part about it?" I asked.

"Come with me, Vi" He said and started leading us to the elevator and we descended a floor.

He walked us through the corridors and opened a door for us.

He was sitting on the bed, a pillow propping his back up and reading a newspaper. He was well and alive.

"James?!" Brook cried before throwing herself to his arms.

"But-but" I stuttered "The nurse and the empty room and-and"

"Come her, Vi" he said and I too threw myself to his arms.

"But why did the nurse said you were dead?" Brook asked after along time.

"James wanted to make it a surprise" Liam said.

"I wanted you to come home today and find me" Charles said.

"Home?!" Brook's voice cracked "James, I moved to another family"

"What?!" He exclaimed "When did this happen?"

"About a month ago"

"A month ago?!" He cried "Don't worry. I'll fix that"

"Just relax and get well, then we can discuss anything else later" she said and he gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Listen, Liam" he said "You go with Brook and tell her new family that we want her back"

"Okay, James" he said.

"Go now" he said.

"Now?!" She cried "I want to spend some time with you"

"We'll get this settled and then we can spend a lot of time together" he said "I'm gonna be discharged in few hours"

After a lot of negotiations with James we went to the Robinsons to get Brook back. After all he's got a point, Brook will be back we will spend every minute together.

We rang the bell and they welcomed us in.

"Liam Starr" Liam introduced himself "Mr.James Mills' person assistant"

"It's a pleasure" Bradley said and walked us into the living room.

Liam cleared his throat before he started talking "Mr.Mills had sent me to negotiate about Brooklyn"

"Brooklyn?!" Ann cried.

"Mr.Mills wants her back" he said "The reason she was sent to another family was that he wasn't well, but now he is"

"I'm sorry, but Brooklyn is a part of our family" Ann said.

"Mr.Starr can we talk inside?" Bradley said when he felt it was about to be a fight.

"Sure, sir" Liam said and Bradley and Ann led him away.

"They won't let me go" Brook said and I looked at her to find tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Don't worry" I said trying to comfort her "He will do the best he can"

The door clicked open and a girl about our age entered the house.

"Mum?! Dad?!" she cried "I'm home" she entered the living room "Oh! Hey, Brooklyn" she hugged Brook "Glad you're back"

"Hey, Lois" she said.

"Is that your friend?" She asked.

"This is Viola" Brook introduced me.


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