Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Back To Us

My phone rang during dinner and I rushed to get it and picked it up. It was an unknown number and an unknown voice.

Hello, Viola Mills speaking.

Hey, Viola. It's Lois Robinson.

Hey, Lois. Did something happen to Brook?

In the mention of Brook's name, Charles alerted and drifted his attention to me with a worried look.

No, no. Brooklyn is fine, partly.

What happened?

Since she came back last weekend, she has been locking herself in the room and crying. She misses you so much.

She needs a family, Lois. Ours is not a real family. Your parents said-

I don't care what my parents said, they are trying their best to make her feel better, but it's not helping. She wants you. She needs you.

I sigh escaped my mouth, but it was very low. Maybe a cry for the miracle I always hope for.

My parents don't know I'm calling. I'm asking you for the help beacuse, I know no one other than you and Mr.James can help her.

Thanks so much Lois. I'll try and maybe your parents may agree.

James had considered talking to the Robinsons, but then backed up when I said that maybe she needs a real family. Everyone needs a real family. Everyone deserves a real family.

I didn't think this will have a bad effect on her. I didn't imagine she is so attached to James although it was just a year. A whole week had passed since we left her there and we didn't contact her. I just thought that she needs a family.

"Victoria?!" He snapped his fingers in front of my face "Are you here?"


"Who was it?"



"Brook's sister"

"What did she want?"

"She says that Brook is depressed" I said, staring at my plate "She says that she wants to come back" I looked at him "Maybe I was wrong" I cried "Maybe she needs us" he smiled at me "Maybe her place is her" his smile grew bigger and bigger "Maybe we should go and get her back"

Just as I finished my sentence he jumped out of his chair and grabbed my hand. He dragged me out of the dining room and grabbed his keys from the table before rushing out the door.

"Wait here" I tried to free my hand but his grip is hard "We need to change"

He looked down at his clothes and then to mine and gave me a Thank-you-for-noticing look.

He rushed to the door again and rang the bell still his grip on my hand doesn't loosen.

"Can I have my hand back, please?" I requested as he dragged me upstairs.

"Sorry" he said.

I rushed to the room and changed quickly before we started the car to the Robinson's house. James had a smile plastered on his face, but it was not on mine.

We rang the bell, excited, but a little bit afraid. Afraid that they might refuse to give her back to us. The door opened not by Bradley as usual, but Lois.

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