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"Time to wake up, sleeping beauty," Dans cheery voice entered my room. I always hated wake-up calls but looking up and seeing Dan at my door, a stupid grin on his face, somehow made it better. Almost enjoyable.
Dan waited for me to smile back and then he left the room.

I groggily got up, I had a free day today but I didn't exactly know how to spend it. Maybe I would talk to Dan whilst he did his work. He could be the only friend that I have chosen for myself... but maybe there's a reason other people have been choosing my friends my entire life.


"Loving the lion toy," Dan told me as I greeted him on the first floor landing. He must've seen the toy on my bedside table, how embarrassing. William had often told me it was nice to see me with Lion, he said it reminded him of me as a child.

"Um... Thanks..." I managed to say, at first I was sure Dan was mocking me but he looked genuine enough. "I've had him since I was young."
"Him?" Dan seemed even more intrigued and smiled gently before saying, "Does he have a name?"
"Lion," I stated and then felt stupid. "I know, it's the epitome of originality right?" I chuckled, I was going to rename him years ago but I just couldn't seem to go through with it, he had always been Lion. Ever since I was young and my mother first give me to him.
"I like it."
"Happy to see someone appreciates it." I smiled. We stared at each other for a while, he pursed his lips and looked to be thinking.
"Do you need to be somewhere?" He wondered aloud.
"No, no, it's my day off," I told him, hoping he was going to ask me to accompany him today but also hoping he had work. "I make it sound like a job don't I?"
"A little bit, running the country is a pretty big job though," Dan agreed.
"Ah, but the king runs the country and as you have already stated I am merely the prince," I told him jokingly.  I was no longer annoyed at him for saying that, I had only been irritated because he was right. I knew that now.
"Jeez, way to throw my words back at me." We both chuckled.

"Are you busy today?" I asked hopefully.
"Not really," he replied.
"Well, do you want to maybe spend some time with me? It's very boring here alone."
As much as I hated to admit it, Dan was the best thing to have come to the palace. I finally had someone my age to talk to. Plus, he was very appealing to the eyes.
"We could maybe explore the depths of my palace," I said indicateing to the beautiful building we stood in. It was only when Dan winked at me did I noticed the innuendo I had just said, I blushed instantly. "I, um, I meant we could look around."
"Sure... unless you want to explore the depths of my palace instead?" Dan winked again as he gestured towards his body.
"I wish I had never asked now." I bit my lip. As much as I loved the attention Dan was giving me it was too much for me to deal with, I had much more pressing matters than my sexuality to deal with. I didn't need Dan making me all mixed up inside when I had royal responsibilities to think about.
"No, I was just kidding," Dan said, realising he may have taken things too far once again, he was an expert at doing that. "I mean, I'd love to spend the time with you. I don't have a very good brain to mouth filter."
"I've come to realise that."
"Do you, um, want to just walk around?" Dan asked.
"That sounds good. There are a lot of hidden rooms around that I used to find as a kid," I began, "we could go to one of them?"

"Wow," Dan said as we arrived at the first room. It wasn't exactly hidden but many people didn't know about it because you had to go into the basement, down some steps and through a door. It still had old books scattered on the floor from when I was younger.
"Flat Stanley?" Dan asked as he picked up a book and read the title aloud. I remembered how much I had wanted to be him. Even as a child I wasn't allowed much freedom so I wished I could be flat in order to evade my parents as it seemed my 4D body wasn't capable of that.
"That was my favourite."
"Mine too," Dan agreed.
"I used to want to go on adventures like him," I admitted, picking the book out of his hands.
"Same. In high school I wanted to be able to slide under the girls changing room doors," Dan told me with a chuckle, "little did I know that I wouldn't really enjoy the view on the other side."

We both looked around a little more before growing tired and lounging on the bean bag chairs I had brought down here, what felt like, so long ago.
"It's weird," Dan suddenly said after a lengthy silence.
"Huh? What is?"
"Us. You here, you being okay with me. I thought royalty were meant to be strict and conservative," Dan pointed out and stared right at me.
"Where's the fun in that?" I smiled but Dan was looking very serious for once.
"Phil... I need to know something."
"Sure..." I replied hesitantly.
"Do you like me?"
"What do you mean? I think you're quite funny and we get along." I gulped, knowing that was not what he was trying to ask me but the actual answer scaring me before I allowed it past my lips.
"No, do you like me?" Dan exaggerated the 'like' part. "Because I sure as hell like you."
"I must say I'm not entirely shocked at that statement," I admitted and began to pull at the loose fabric on the chair.
"Phil?" He begged.
"It's complicated Dan." I furrowed my brow, I didnt expect him to get it.
"Because I'm a servant?"
"Because you're a guy." I lauged but not out of humour. "I may not be a strict right wing but my parents are!"
"Your parents..." Dan trailed off.
"Yeah, the king and Queen who determine everything I do in life."
"And everything you can't do?" Dan whispered but quickly his voice rose, "That's so unfair!"
"Nothings ever fair," I told him. Nothing had ever been fair my entire life. Just because I come from a family who can get me everything I want, it doesn't mean I get everything I need.

"For arguments sake, what do you think of me?" Dan tried again.
"I think you're incredibly persistent, loud, forward and slightly too confident for your own good," I started.
"There better be a but here somewhere."
"But, I really do like you Dan," I finished.
Dan shifted in his chair.
"That's all I needed to hear."Before I could begin to process what was happening Dans lips were on mine.

At first, I was too shocked to respond but soon began to kiss back. Dan made a noise as our kiss went from delicate to rough. I threw all the need that had been pent up inside me for so long into the kiss, and Dan appeared to be doing the same.

He put his hands in my hair and I tugged onto his waist to pull him closer. In this room, I felt no worry. To anyone who didn't know us Dan was just Dan and not a servant and I was just Phil and not a prince.

AN: yay cute phan kiss ^-^
I'm going to try and keep updating frequently but I have exams in just over a month so I really need to do some serious revision crap crap crap
- Rach x

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