Personal Question

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"You really don't remember anything?" Alison ask shocked as we stand outside the school.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days." But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia remarks flipping her hair.

"Lydia only you would be happy losing 9 pound while running wild in the woods." I take a pause before a grin breaks out across my face. "It's good to have you back." I say embracing her.

"Are you ready for this?" Alison ask as we pull apart.

Lydia looks at her before giving off a snide remark, "Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

Rolling my eyes at the strawberry blonde, I push through the doors leading the way. Taking a moment to look up I see all eyes are on us. "Maybe it's the 9 pounds." I whisper.

After making our way through the crowd of eyes Lydia and I decide to go watch Lacrosse practice. Taking a seat in the bleachers I see Scott in goal. "I wonder why Danny isn't in goal." I comment gainful Lydia's attention.

"Who knows?" She shrugs.

I watch as play after play Scott takes out a teammate. "Hey Lydia I'm gonna go talk to Stiles for a minute, I'll be right back." Jumping up I make my way down to the beach and take a seat next to my boyfriend. "What the hell is he doing."

"There's another here, he's trying to find him." Stiles whispers as Scott body checks Greenberg.

"Stilinski- Hale, what the hell is wrong with your friend?" Coach ask not even noticing that I'm not suppose to be down here.

"Uh, he's failing two classes. He's a little socially awkward and if you look close enough, his jaw line's kind of uneven." Stiles answers honestly.

"Also his girlfriends dad hates him and let's not forget that his co-captain also hates him, oh and Harris, Harris hates everyone." I add on.

Coach just looks at us shaking his head, "That's interesting. Let's fire it up." With that he walks away.

"Alright let me know when you guys find something." I place a quick kiss to his cheek before rushing back up to the stands.

Not being able to stay the whole practice Lydia drug me back inside to home economics.

"So have you and Stiles... You know?" Lydia hinted at as she sent me a wink.

Wh- Lydia oh my god!" I exclaim nearly choking.

"What?" She ask innocently, "You two have been dating for what 3 months now?"

"Almost, but damn that's a real personal question to be asking me in home ec!" I whisper.

Lydia is about to say something more but I cut her off my holding my finger up when I feel my phone buzz.

Meet in locker room ASAP!

"Well as much as I would LOVE to continue this conversation, duty calls." I sarcastically say raising my hand.

"Yes Miss Hale?" The teacher ask.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I politely ask adding a smile to the end. She does nothing but nod as I pick my backpack up and rush out of the room.

"Why did she take her stuff?" I hear the teacher ask.

"I don't know, probably that time of the month?" Lydia replies, thank you Lyd!

Racing down the hall I make a sharp turn into the rocker room. "What's the emergency?" I ask the second Scott and Stiles come into vision.

"Isaac is a werewolf." Stiles states blatantly.

"I'm gonna kick my brothers werewolf ass." I growl.

"That's not the worse part." Stiles grimaces.

"They found his dad, dead." Scott continued. "He's a suspect so they are holding him over night."

I let out a sigh of relief. "That's good, I'm mean those cells are strong right?"

Stiles looks at me worried. "Strong enough to hold a human, werewolf... Not so much."
After our discussion in the locker room we all head to chemistry with Satan, I mean Harris.

Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott ask looking at me from his seat at our lab station. Yes the three of us managed to get the only three person lab group, thank you odd numbers.

"I-I have no clue." I admit, racking my brain in attempt to find some reason as to why Isaac.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving." Stiles offers a reason.

"Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott ask.

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence or witness." Stiles shrugs.

"Oh shit." I realize, "Danny where's Jackson?" I ask leaning forward.

"In the principles office talk to the sheriff." He whispers back.

"What? Why?" Stiles hisses butting in.

Danny shoots Stiles an annoyed look before I answer for him. "He lives across the street from Isaac."

"Witness." Scott mutters in realization.

"We gotta get to the principal's office." I hiss hastily.

"How?" Scott ask. Stiles looks at me with a grin as he balls up a piece of paper.

"Everyone please turn to page 73." Stiles hands me paper under the table and the second Harris is turned around I launch it hitting him square in the back of the head. "Who in the hell did that?" He snapped around.

Quickly Stiles finger flew at Scott while Scott pointed to me and I pointed around Scott to Stiles.

"Nailed it!" I sang as Harris began yelling.

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