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Waking up I find my self back at the animal clinic. "W-what happened?" I groan sitting up.

"Your Vindex side happened that's what." My head snaps over to the side of the room where Derek is looking pissed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, I'm so confused right now it isn't even funny.

Deaton walks over to the table, finally someone who will tell me what happened. "Devin, Scott was caught by a hunter and poisoned with wolfsbane. Your body must have connected to him, resulting in you being poisoned as well."

"So I don't even have to think about it my body will just connect?" I question. This whole Vindex thing is confusing as hell.

"We'll no, do you remember what you were thinking about before it happened?" Deaton asks curiously.

I sit and think for a moment, "I was thinking about how we have to keep Jackson under control and how I hope Stiles was doing ok and if Scott.... Oh" I trail off realizing I was thinking about Scott.

"Ah see you body must have recognized Scott's situation and connected." Deaton enlightens.

"But why?" I ask, nothing that is being said is making any sense to me.

"That is the mystery of the Vindex my dear." Deaton smiles softly.

I roll my eyes and stand up off the table. "Well fuck mystery, I need to find answers."
Making my way up to the Stilinski door I grab the door knob and walk in knowing it's ok because the squad car isn't in the drive way. Heading directly up to Stiles room I throw open the door.

"I need your help researching." I snap walking in to see my boyfriend laying upside down on his bed. My barging in though scared him making him fall off.

"Huh what's the problem? Oh my god your ok! Derek sent me home and refused to let me in the vet so I had to come here and I waited for a ca-" having enough of his rant I cut him off my walking up to him and covering his mouth.

"Yes I'm ok. We need to research how I can learn to control the Vindex because it is what caused me to almost die." I explain taking a seat on his bed.

"Alright we'll see what we can do." Stiles says taking a seat in his computer chair and opening his laptop up. Moving across the room I take a seat in Stiles lap so that I can view the computer.

Stiles arms immediately go around my waist as he places his chin on my shoulder watching what I type. "So what do you already know?" Stiles mumbles into my shoulder.

"I know that I can easily kill my self if I'm not careful. I know that my body will randomly connect to my pack. And I know that I get floods of emotions when I connect." I say typing quickly in his keys. Stiles only hums in response as he stays quite behind me.

After 5 articles I finally found something useful. "Babe listen to this," I say catching Stiles attention. "it says that for Vindex to gain control over their connecting that they need an anchor, but it can't be a normal anchor it must be a mate. It's says Vindex strongest connection is with a mate because it's through the heart and the heart is what makes the connections." I read off the screen.

"So you connect to Scott... Because you love him?" Stiles ask confused.

"We'll as a brother yea, I mean he is one of my best friends." I shrug scanning through the article.

In order for the anchor to be complete a blood ritual must be preformed by a witch. With the molding of the bloods the Vindex can channel their emotions enabling them to prevent unwanted connections. The anchor also strengthens connections when they are wanted.
"Lydia. Lyd- Lydia I know and I'm sorry but I promise I'll be home in time for your party." I sigh into the phone.

Currently I was sitting shotgun in Roscoe as Stiles and I drive to LA in search of an old friend er well old acquaintance of mine. "Devin Sophia Hale you are one of my best friends so I expect to see you at my birthday party wearing something pink! And Devin of you aren't in Pink I will feed you to the wolves!" I cringe at Lydia's reference, honey if you only knew.

"Yes Lydia, I will be there at 8 probably wearing some ugly pink thing." I groan into the phone. I glance to the side and see Stiles smiling at my comment.

"I'll be waiting!" Lydia sang before hanging up.

I sigh and lean back in the seat kicking my feet up on the dashboard. "So where exactly am I heading?" Stiles ask a small smile playing on his lips.

"University of Southern California." I sigh.

"Who exactly."

"Someone who hates me very, very much." I groan seeing a sigh that says 10 miles till USC.

Vindex *Stiles Stilinski* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now