Library Fiasco

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As we discuss Matt's 'evilness' Harris leaves and Jackson suddenly rushes out making out attention come back to him.

"So Erica knows about his parents?" I ask.

"Yea says she does." Stiles shrugs.

"Alright team, move in." I whisper as we stand up and make our way to sit with Erica.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott says sitting down.

"Maybe." She smirks.

"Spill bitch." I threaten flashing my eyes quickly. Today was not a good day do her to mess with me.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18." She informs us.

"So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" Stiles ask in disbelief.

"Yep." Erica nods.

"There's something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles mutters.

"What the hell is an 18 year old gonna do with all that money." I mumble in agreement.

Erica's eyes flags up to me as she rolls them. "Please you have the same thing waiting for you."

"Excuse me?" I snap wide eyed.

"Please how do you think Derek works so you?" She chuckles. "Anyways You know what? I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." She says pulling out her laptop.

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." The speaker came over.

Scott gave us a look before we nodded letting him go. Stiles and I turn our attention back to Erica's screen. "Whoa, look the dates." Stiles points out.

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death... 9:26 P.M., June 14, 1995." Erica reads off.

My eyes widen when I realize what Stiles is talking about. "Jackson's birthday is June 15. So what does this mean?" I ask.

"It means he was born after his mom died by c - section. They had to pull him out of her dead body." And with that I suddenly feel bad for Jackson, maybe if his parent hadn't gotten in an accident then, he wouldn't have been adopted, and maybe he wouldn't be such an ass.

Stiles and I thank Erica and move over to Allison and Scott, who re-appeared, explaining what we just found. "So was it an accident or not?" Allison ask.

"The word all over the report is "inconclusive." Stiles tells them.

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott tries piecing together everything.

"If they were it explains the who kanima thing, you know seeking out and killing murders." I conclude.

"But for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison ask yet another question.

"He's not gonna l..." Allison I cut short because Scott takes off to find him but instead of finding normal Jackson we find the Kanima. Scott and I immediately wolf out and go after it. The kanima starts jumping rim case to case knocking the lights and ceiling tiles. Scott and I separate and try to locate him. I round a case and come to an opening next to Stiles.

"Oh my god." I whisper as Jackson/kanima begins writing on the chalk board. Every move he makes is so jerky it's like a puppet.

Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.

"We're gonna die." Stiles whispers beside me.

"Erica!" I head Scott says as we turn to see him sliding down next to her. All Erica is able to do is let out a groan.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! I think she's having a seizure." Stiles informs, though we already knew it.

"Roller to her side again." I instruct helping roll her. "Allison check him." I point to Matt who is passed out.

"He's alive." She sighs coming back over.

"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital." Stiles starts pulling out his phone.

"Derek... Only to Derek." Erica chokes out.

"When we get her to the hospital..." Scott continues, ignoring Erica.

"To Derek. To Derek." She manages again.

"Go." Allison assures Scott as Stiles and I stand up.

"I'm staying here with you." Scott refuses.

"He can't take her alone. Not like this. And Matt... I've got to call an ambulance for him, just go." Allison tries persuading him.

"Look I'll stay with her, you two just get her out of here." I insist staring at Scott.

"This doesn't feel right." Scott mutters.

"It's okay." Allison try's assuring him.

"No, it's not. No, it's not right." He refuses again.

Allison looks down for a moment. "It doesn't... It doesn't mean anything."

"But it feels like it does." He mutters

"Oh my god Scott! Erica might die if you don't get her go Derek! I've got Allison she'll be fine. I swear if you don't leave right this moment I will de-ball you!" I threat getting fed up with this. I may not like Erica but no one deserves to die like this.

"Okay." Scott agrees finally leaving with Stiles.

"The ambulance is on its way I told them he fell and hit his head." Allison informs me walking back over to where I say with Matt.

"You think he'll remember any of it?" I ask looking back at him.

Allison sighs beside me. "I hope not, it will be really hard to explain it."

"Maybe he didn't see it so he won't have anything to remember." I hope leaning my head back.

"That's possible." Allison agrees. There's a moment of silence between us before. "So what do you think of Isaac?" She ask randomly.

"He's an ass." I shrug. "Why?"

"I don't he's kinda cute don't you think?" I chuckle at her question.

"Yea but so is Jackson and he's still an ass." I laugh.

Allison laughs along and nods. "I guess that's true. Between you and I, when he kissed you that time, was it good?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Yea it was good, but it was nothing compared to Stiles. Isaac was rough and hard. When Stiles kisses he can be rough but only when it's needed, most of the time he's soft and smooth." I smile thinking of Stiles lips on mine.

"Yea same with Scott." Allison grins next to me. In the back ground I hear the sirens nearing.

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